Richard J Morton


Northumbria University, UK

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious" - Albert Einstein

I am currently an Associate Professor at Northumbria University. My research interests lie in the field of stellar physics - particularly in understanding how million degree winds from stars are accelerated to speeds of a million miles per hour.

My research focus is on the analysis of data from satellites and ground-based observatories, including NASA's Solar Dynamic Observatory and NCAR/HAO's Coronal Multi-channel Polarimeter. I study the dynamic behaviour observed throughout the Sun's atmosphere, especially magnetohydrodynamic wave phenomena. These waves are key to understanding the transfer of energy through the Sun's atmosphere and provide a potential explaination for the origin of the Sun's hot, fast winds.

I am also interested in statistics, machine learning, image processing, and time-series analysis - as they play a vital role in the analysis of astronomical data.

My research is supported by the following: