Open access policy

All papers published under ERC grants must comply with a specific open access policy. This is a quick recap of best practices for compliance:

  • put all your preprints on a public repository before submission (repository = arXiv, HAL, SISSA preprint server; CVGMT does not qualify as open access repository);

  • before submission, check the policy of the journal. It must permit the publication of the accepted version​ of the paper on a public repository with an embargo period not longer than 6 months;

  • after acceptance, update your papers to the accepted version on the preprint server, as soon as the embargo period is elapsed. Provide the DOI link as soon as it is available;

  • an alternative to the previous two points, for journals that have special agreements with the Host Institution (SISSA) and allow for gold open access publication without fees. A list of such agreements is here:

The compliance check should be done in advance, by using the following tool:

If you already submitted a paper to a journal that is not compliant, and this has been accepted, please let me know beforesigning the copyright transfer so that we can find a solution with the publisher.

The full regulation can be found here:

Please contact me in case of doubts.