Mrs. Nelson

Happy Cinco de Mayo!!

We can celebrate with the Spanish culture by watching and participating in some fun traditional songs and dances from Mexico.

Try and follow along with the music tutorial Mexican Hat Dance

Mexican Hat Dance

Cultural Traditions from Mexico notice the colorful dresses, and hear the different instruments.

Fun thing to watch about Mexico

Today I was out planting my garden and it reminded me of a fun song to sing about planting a garden. Perhaps while you are at home, you can find some seeds and plant something. You can watch your plant's growth cycle.

Garden Song

Muppets version of Garden Song

Lesson 2

WOW OF THE WEEK- Line Rider moving to the music SPRING by Antonio Vivaldi

This lesson plan includes introducing you to the great composer Antonio Vivaldi. Click on the link below to learn about the life of Vivaldi.

Next click on the link to hear the Music presentation of Spring by Vivaldi

As you watch you can hear the dynamics of loud and soft, I have included some cards with different pictures. While you listen to the music you can open the link with the cards and see if you can match them to the music you hear.

Try and figure out when you hear the birds singing and the storm. Remember that F in music is loud and p in music is soft.

Music has the opportunity to change how you are feeling. You can connect with your feelings through movement and dance. Write down some of the feelings you are experiencing now. Dance along to these songs as you express your feelings through movement. Ideas taken from Jen Purdy and BYU ARTS Partnership.

I feel better when I am dancing by Megan Trainor

Giraffes Can’t Dance – Song about a book by Giles Andreae

Snoopy Happy Dance

Cha Cha Slide

Lesson 3

I have a few rhythm activities that the students can pick from this week. The students can join in with the videos on the clapping game. The students could find a type of percussion instrument or use a found sound like a pan, spoon, sticks, or bucket to play along with the songs.

Have a great week!! I miss all of you

Mrs Nelson

Watch and see if you can follow along

Hand Clapping Skit

Find an instrument, sticks, pans, ect. at your home and play along

William Tell Overture

Hall of the Mountain King

WOW of the week-3 year old drummer

Find your hidden talent while you are at home and have some extra time
