Ritwik Murali

For me, software and books taste alike.  I read a lot when I can - in between teaching, grading and research that my job entails.

I am a person with multiple interests and involvements. From reading to public speaking to gaming to software development, I enjoy exploring new domains and love a good challenge.  

Currently I am an Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, India. 

My PhD is in the inter-disciplinary area of Evolutionary Algorithms and Computer Security at the dept. of Computer Science & Engineering, Amrita University (Title: “Towards Evolving Antigens for Antivirus Systems”, Awarded: February 2023).  I completed my Masters degree at the Center for Cyber Security at Amrita University, Coimbatore, India. Post my B.Tech under Pondicherry University, I worked for a while with a major MNC in India before succumbing to my passion for Cyber Security and doing my masters and doctoral research  in the same domain.

My research interests revolve around the fast developing world of Cyber Security, Meta-heuristic algorithms for search & optimisation, Neuroevolution and Computing Education. I am open to collaborate in other domains as well as long as the problem statement is interesting. I also enjoy guiding students towards building software products for academic and in-house requirements.  Apart from academic research, I also mentor and train students for various Capture the Flag (CTF) hacking contests, hackathons, product development and generic competitions.

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