Ultrafast Terahertz Spintronics Group

We are a group of theoretical condensed matter physicists focusing on ultrafast manipulation of magnetic spins. While the industrial economy of the 20th-century was led by oil, the digital economy of the 21st-century will be dominated by data. To this end, the data is the new oil, the vital fuel of our economy. Every day a huge amount of data are being created and stored by us in the form of social media (Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, etc.), e-commerce (Amazon, Flipkart, etc.), and many more. It is not only the common people but also the companies that focus on the digital economy in terms of consumers buying products. Such an amount of big data creates the datasphere that is increasing exponentially every year. It is estimated that the amount of digital data will be about 175 ZB (Zeta Byte) by the end of the year 2025. The ever-increasing amount of big data requires novel energy-efficient technological storage solutions. To this end, magnetic data storage devices have always been the cheapest way. The current magnetic data storage devices use a magnetic disk of ferromagnets, manipulated by an external electrical signal. However, such ferromagnetic storage is limited by the speed of nanoseconds.   

At Ultrafast Terahertz Spintronics Group (UTSG), we focus on technological data storage solutions in an energy-efficient way at sub-picosecond timescales. A pioneering experiment of ultrafast demagnetization paved the way for such technological solutions in 1996. We theoretically investigate ultrafast magnetic manipulation and switching in several classes of magnets including the non-collinear spin structures. We mainly use analytical and computational techniques to engineer spin manipulation and switching. We are in close collaboration with national and international experimental groups.                

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