Research Team

PhD scholars

Akshit Nanda

Akshit is a B. Tech from NIT Srinagar. He started his PhD in the Department of Applied Mechanics in December 2023. He is working on nonlinear non-modal stability of stratified shear flows and turbulence transition.

Email: amz238673 [at] am [dot] iitd [dot] ac [dot] in

PhD positions are available. Interested candidates with strong background in maths and physics should directly email me. 

Undergraduate researchers and short-term visitors

Ekta Sharma

Ekta is working on creating a low dimensional manifold of the Indian monsoon

Sushma Banothu

Sushma along with Ekta is working on creating a low dimensional manifold of the Indian monsoon

Rohit Gupta

Rohit is trying to understand wave--eddy interactions using direct numerical simulations