Hi, I am Rishav! 

My research interests lie at the intersection of Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computational Social Science, and Fairness and Transparency in AI. Mainly, I am interested in applying NLP to learn more about people, communities, and human cognition.  I like to work in interdisciplinary teams to study the complex societal implications of language models and develop innovative and responsible solutions. 

Starting July 2022 I have joined Microsoft Research India (MSRI) as a Research Fellow advised by Dr. Kalika Bali. Excited to be back in India after calling the beautiful Amsterdam home for the last 4 years. At MSRI I am working on evaluating generative AI models, measuring and mitigating gender biases in data and models specifically for Indian languages, and developing text-to-speech systems for low resource Indian languages.

Before this, I was a Research Assistant in the Explainable AI team at the Department of Knowledge Engineering, Maastricht University (UM), advised by Dr. Nava Tintarev. At UM I worked as a part of an interdisciplinary research team on a Twitter funded project to measure health of social media conversations. I worked on developing and operationalizing  viewpoint diversity metrics.

I graduated from the University of Amsterdam in 2020 with an MSc. in Artificial Intelligence. During my postgrad, I wrote a thesis on Conversation Modeling in Offensive Language Detection, advised by Pushkar Mishra, Dr. Helen Yannakoudakis, Dr. Saif M Mohammad, and Dr. Ekaterina Shutova. We created a novel dataset of social media comments with a fine-grained degree of offensiveness scores using a comparative annotation setup (similar methodology now being used by Jigsaw!).

If you have any questions about my work, want to collaborate, want to chat, or are seeking any help for your MS/internship applications, please feel free to get in touch with me.