Welcome to Rishabh Iyer's webpage

Assistant Professor, University of Texas Dallas

I am currently an Assistant Professor at the University of Texas, Dallas, where I lead the CARAML Lab. I'm also a Visiting Assistant Professor at the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. Before this, I was a Senior Research Scientist at Microsoft between 2016 till 2019.  Below are some of the areas my group is currently working on:

Our research is currently supported by grants from NSF, Adobe Data Science Award, a Google Gift, Amazon Research Award, and the UT Dallas Seed grant. Thank you! Our research is motivated by real-world problems in machine learning, computer vision, text, and NLP! For more on my research, please see my research page, my publications, or my lab webpage.

I completed my Ph.D. in 2015 from the University of Washington, Seattle where I worked with Jeff Bilmes. I am excited about making machines assist humans in processing massive amounts of data, particularly in understanding videos and images. I am interested in building intelligent systems which organize, analyze and summarize massive amounts of data, and also automatically learn from this. 

I received the best paper awards at Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS/NIPS) in 2013, the International Conference of Machine Learning (ICML) in 2013, and an Honorable Mention at CODS-COMAD in 2021. I also received several research awards including an NSF Medium Grant, an Adobe Data Science Research Award, Microsoft Research Ph.D. Fellowship, Facebook Ph.D. Fellowship, and the Yang Award for Outstanding Graduate Student from the University of Washington.

For more information, please see my Google Scholar Profile, LinkedIn Profile, DBLP, or my GitHub page. I also maintain a YouTube channel where I add videos of my lectures and research talks.

Twitter: @rishiyer

Awards and Recognition

Work Experience and Education


Recent news

Selected Publications

For the complete list of publications and workshop papers, see my publications page or my research page.

Funding and Support

Our research is supported graciously by research grants from NSF, Google, Adobe, Amazon, and the UT Dallas startup fund. See our funding page for more details.