Grants & Awards

Funding Sources and Grants

CARAML Lab would like to thank NSF, Adobe, Google, Amazon, and UT Dallas startup funds (and previously Microsoft) for providing support!! Thank you!!

  1. NSF Medium Award # 2106937: Collaborative Research: RI: Medium: Submodular Information Functions with Applications to Machine Learning. Funding Amount: $599,594.00.

  2. Amazon Research Award in Alexa Fairness for AI track for our proposal on Fair Speech Recognition using Targeted Subset Selection and Active Semi-supervised Learning (joint with Preethi Jyothi and Ganesh Ramakrishnan from IIT Bombay): Total Funds: $100,000, UTD Portion: $30,000

  3. Adobe Data Science Award: Subset Selection for Compute-Efficient Language Model Pretraining, Funding Amount: $50,000

  4. Gift Funding from Google on Continuous learning. Funding Amount: $30,000.00.

  5. Gift Funding from Adobe on Targeted Learning for Object Detection. Funding Amount: $10,000.00

  6. UT Dallas Startup Funds

  7. Microsoft Ph.D. Fellowship Award, 2014 (during my PhD): $60,000 (over two years)

  8. Facebook PhD. Fellowship Award (Declined in Favor of Microsoft): $30,000 (one year).