Rail Infrastructure Systems Engineering Network


"The proposed project: 'RISEN' is collaborative and interdisciplinary by nature, and it synergises world-class laboratories and ground-breaking technical capabilities of staff across the globe."

"New insights into rail infrastructures will be derived in RISEN to improve response and resilience of rail infrastructure systems to climate change, extreme events from natural and human-made hazards, and future operational demands. The high-impact outcomes will unleash significant benefits to both public and industry sectors."

Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange


Social and economic growth, security and sustainability in Europe are at risk of being compromised due to aging and failing railway infrastructure systems. This partly reflects a recognised skill shortage in railway infrastructure engineering. This project, RISEN, aims to enhance knowledge creation and transfer using both international and intersectoral secondment mechanisms among European Advanced Rail Research Universities/SMEs and Non-EU, world-class rail universities including the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (USA), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA), Southwest Jiaotong University (China) and University of Wollongong (Australia). This project adds research skill mobility and innovation dimension to existing bilateral collaborations between universities through research exchange, joint research supervision, summer courses, international training and workshops, and joint development of innovative inventions. It spans over 4 years from April 2016 to March 2020.

RISEN aims to produce the next generation of engineers and scientists needed to meet the challenge of providing sustainable, smart and resilient railway infrastructure systems critical for maintaining European competitiveness. The emphasis will be placed on the resilience and adaptation of railway and urban transport infrastructures using integrated smart systems. Such critical areas of the research theme will thus be synergised to improve response and resilience of rail infrastructure systems to climate change, extreme events from natural and human-made hazards, and future operational demands. In addition, researchers will benefit from the co-location of engineering education, training and research alongside world-class scientists and industry users through this initiative. Lessons learnt from rail infrastructure management will be shared and utilised to assure integrated and sustainable rail transport planning for future cities and

RISEN ECR Training Workshop 2019

On 13-14 August 2019, Tampere University success-fully hosted the last RISEN ECR Workshop and In-ternational Symposium on Rail Infrastructure Sys-tems Engineering (i-RISE 2019). On the first day, we had a special discussion panel about future career options and various successful pathways for ECRs by high profile speakers (i.e. CEO, senior governmental officer, and university professors). It was followed by many research presentations for i-RISE 2019. On the second day, our RISEN ECRs had successfully en-gaged with over 20 local school students (12-14 years old) to help them gain some understanding in STEM and fundamental knowledge in railway engi-neering. Our ECRs had demonstrated a creative idea by using an easy and cost-effective equipment to build MagLev prototypes for student competitions. The activities had attracted and engaged the students extremely well. All school students were very excited. The event was found to be very successful. Finally, big congratulations to the best presentation winners: Riku Varis (Tampere Uni-versity), Zihua Pan (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) and Chayut Ngamkhanong (University of Bir-mingham). We would like to thank Heikki Luomala, and TU team for their kind and superb hospitality.

Vehicle-Track Coupled Dynamics Theory and Applications by Prof Wanming Zhai

Congratulations to Prof Wanming Zhai from Southwest Jiaotong University. He has published the handbook entitle "Vehicle-Track Coupled Dynamics Theory and Applications".

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Student experience


Vehicle-Track Coupled Dynamics Theory and Applications by Prod Wanming Zhai

21st Nordic Seminar on Railway Technology

International Workshop on Plasticity, Damage and Fracture of Engineering Materials

Rail Infrastructure Systems Engineering Network

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 691135.


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