Israel Houghton, David Binion, and Joshua Dufrene wrote this high-energy resurrection song filled with the excitement of Easter, It can serve as a great opener for your Easter service as it evokes a spirit of celebration of the risen Lord.

Such economic despair breeds extremism, and will not bolster Israel's security. It will further radicalize the population, as it has already done, and drive away potential Palestinian partners for peace. Polls show that support for a two-state solution based on coexistence with Israelis plummeted among Palestinians from 43 percent in September 2020 to 33 percent in 2022. The predicament is that the continuing crisis further threatens to extinguish hopes for a negotiated settlement.

Risen Israel And New Breed Mp3 Download

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Yemen is a uniquely dangerous place for the coronavirus to spread. Repeated bombings and ground fighting over five years of war have destroyed or closed more than half its health facilities. Deep poverty, dire water shortages and a lack of adequate sanitation have made the country a breeding ground for disease.

In Israel, the number of coronavirus infections has risen to more than 10,000. The government imposed strict measures to contain the pandemic early on but has seen it tear through the insular ultra-Orthodox religious community.

So far this season, presence of the HPAI virus has been reported in 19 flocks of ducks, 13 of laying hens, nine in broilers, three of breeding poultry, and one each of quails and ornamental birds. Only serotype of the virus detected so far in the country has been the H5N1 variant.

[verse 1] Therfor the Lord sente Nathan to Dauid; and whanne he hadde come to Dauid, he seide to Dauid*. [him I.], Answere thou doom*. [a doom I.] to me; twei men weren in o*. [a I.] citee; o*. [the oo I. the too K.] man was riche, and the tother was*. [Om. I.] pore. [verse 2] The riche man*. [The riche man; this riche man is vndur|stondun Dauyth, hauyng many wyues; the pore man is vndur|stondun Vrie, that hadde onely o wiyf, whom he hadde bout, in yuynge dower for hir, and whom he hadde nurschid, for he took hir a litil damesel. Sche eet of his breed, for sche comynede with hym in mete and bed. This pilgrym that cam to the riche man, is the deuel, which is alienyd fro the comynyng of heuenly cyte|seyns, for hardnesse in synne; to which pilgrym Da|uyth made a feeste bi consent in to auoutrie, and mansleyng brout forth in to dede, for the deuel delitith in sychesynnes. Dauyth seide, he schal elde the scheep in to the fourthe fold, and so it was doon to him, for hise iiii. sones weren deed, for the deeth of Vrie; the firste, the sone of Bersabee, the ii. Amon, the iii. Absolon, the iiii. Adonye. And Dauyth seide, bi herte and mouth, Y haue synned to the Lord; he defendide not his synne, but knoulechede mekely, wher|for it sueth, also the Lord hath turned awey thi synne, as to the gilt, in for|yuynge it for thi penaunce, and as to the peyne, in tem|peringe it; for thou thou art a manquellere and worthi the deth, netheles thou schalt not die in thi propir persoone, but in thi sone borun. Of whiche the cause sueth, for thou hast maad the enemyes to blasfeme the name of the Lord; for yuele men and vn|kunnynge blas|femeden bi this the priuy domes of God, and seiden, that he dide vniustly in repreuynge Saul, and in chesinge Da|uyth, that dide synnes more worse than Saul hadde do. Lire here. C.] hadde ful many Page 116 [verse 3] scheep, and oxun; sotheli*. [and I.] the pore man hadde vttirli no thing, outakun o litil scheep, which*. [the which I.] he hadde bout, and nurschid, and which*. [the which I.] `hadde wexid*. [wexide I.] at*. [anentis I.] hym with hise sones, and eet togidere*. [bothe I.] of his breed, and drank of his cuppe, and slepte in his bosum; and it was as a douter to hym. [verse 4] Forsothe*. [But I.] whanne a pilgrym `hadde come*. [came I.] to the*. [this I.] riche man, he sparide to take of hise*. [his owne I.] scheep and oxun, that he schulde make a feeste to that pilgrym, that cam to hym; and he took the scheep of the pore man, and `made redi*. [greithide I.] metis to the man that cam to hym. [verse 5] Forsothe*. [Certis I.] Dauid was ful wrooth with indignacioun aens that man, and seide*. [he seide I.] to Nathan, The Lord lyueth, for the man [verse 6] that dide this*. [this thing I.] is the sone of deeth*. [is the sone of deeth; that is, worthi of deth, for the hidous|nesse of the dede. Lire here. C.]; he schal elde the scheep in to foure folde, for he dide this word, and sparide not. [verse 7] For|sothe*. [And I.] Nathan seide to Dauid, Thou art thilke*. [that EL.] man, that hast do this thing. The Lord God of Israel seith these thingis, Y anoyntide*. [haue anoyntid I.] thee `in to*. [Om. I.] kyng on*. [upon I.] Israel, and Y delyuerede thee fro the [verse 8] hond of Saul, and Y af to thee the hows of thi lord, and the wyues of thi lord in thi bosum, and Y af to thee the hows of Israel, and of Juda; and if these thingis ben litil, Y schal*. [schulde I pr. m.] adde*. [thanne do I.] to thee myche grettere thingis. [verse 9] Whi therfor hast thou dispisid the word of the Lord, that thou didist yuels in my sit? Thou hast smyte*. [killid I.] by swerd Vrye Ethei, and thou hast take his wijf in to wijf to thee, and thou hast slayn hym with the swerd of the sones of Amon. [verse 10] Wherfor swerd*. [a swerd K.] schal not go awey fro thin hows*. [fro thin hows, etc.; for the brother killide the brother, as Absolon killide Amon, in xiii. co., and Salo|mon killide Adonye, in iii. book ii. co., and Absolon roos aenus Dauyth his fadir, in this book xv. co. C.] til in to with outen ende; for thou dispysidist*. [hast dispisid I.] me, and tokist*. [hast take I.] the wijf of Vrye Ethei, that sche schulde be thi wijf. [verse 11] Therfor the Lord seith these thingis, Lo! Y schal reise on*. [upon I.] thee yuel*. [the yuel I.] of thin hows, and Y schal take thi wyues in `thin ien*. [thi sit I.], and Y Page 117 schal yue*. [yue hem I.] to thi neibore, and he schal slepe with thi wyues in the ien of this sunne, `that is, opynli bifor alle men, as in xv. chapitre*. [Gloss omitted in I. chapitre bifore K.]. [verse 12] For thou hast*. [haue I.] do priueli; forsothe*. [certis I.] Y schal do this word in the sit of al Israel, and in the sit of this sunne. [verse 13] And Dauid seide to Nathan, Y haue synned to the Lord. And Nathan seide to Dauid, Also*. [Certis I.] the Lord hath turned awei thi synne; thou schalt not die. [verse 14] Netheles for thou madist*. [hast made I.] enemyes to blasfeme the name of the Lord, for this word the child which*. [that I.] is borun to thee schal die bi deeth. [verse 15] And Nathan turnede aen in to his hows. And the Lord smoot the litil child, whom the wijf of Vrye childide to Dauid, and he*. [Dauid I.] dispeiride*. [dispeiride of the lijf of it I.]*. [he dispei|ride; Dauyth dispeiride of the helthe of the child bi weye of kynde, not of myracle, and therfor he preyede, for he wiste not, wher God spak bi determyna|cioun, ether bi manassing. Lire here. C.]. [verse 16] And Dauid preiede*. [preiede to C.] the Lord for the litil child; and Dauid fastide bi fastyng, and entride*. [he ede I.] asidis half, and lai*. [he lai I.] on*. [upon I.] the erthe. [verse 17] Sotheli*. [And I.] the eldere men of his hows camen, and constreyneden hym `bi meke preieris*. [Om. I.], that he schulde rise*. [rise up I.] fro the erthe; and he nolde*. [wolde not I.], nethir he eet mete with hem. [verse 18] Forsothe*. [And I.] it bifelde in the seuenthe dai, that the ong child diede; and the seruauntis of Dauid dredde to telle to hym, that the litil child was deed; for thei seiden, Lo! whanne*. [while I.] the litil child lyuede it, we spaken to hym, and he herde not oure vois; hou myche more, if we seien the child is deed, he schal turment himsilf? [verse 19] Therfore whanne Dauid hadde herd*. [seen I.] his seruauntis*. [children I.] spek|ynge*. [to speke I.] priueli, `ether moterynge*. [Om. A.], he un|derstood that the ong child was deed; `and he seyde to his seruauntis, Whether the child is deed*. [Om. EPRU.]? Whiche*. [The whiche I.] answeriden to hym, He is deed. [verse 20] Therfor Dauid roos*. [roos up I.] fro the erthe, and was waischid*. [weischen I.], and anoyntid; and whanne he hadde chaungid cloth*. [his clothis I.], he entride in to the hows of the Lord, and worschipide, and cam in to his hows; and he axide, that Page 118 thei schulden sette breed to hym, and he eet. [verse 21] Sothely*. [And I.] his seruauntis seiden to hym, What is the word which*. [that I.] thou hast do? Thou fastidist*. [hast fastid I.], and weptist*. [wept I.] for the ong child, whanne*. [while I.] he lyuede it; sotheli*. [but I.] whanne the child was deed, thou risidist*. [hast risen up I.] and etist breed? [verse 22] And Dauid seide, Y fast|ide and wepte for the ong child, whanne he lyuyde it; for Y seide*. [for I seide; that is, Y thoute in myn herte. Lire here. C.], Who woot, if perauenture the Lord yue hym to me, and the ong child lyue? [verse 23] `Now forsothe*. [But now I.] for he is deed, whi `fast Y*. [schal I faste for him I.]? whether Y schal mow aen clepe hym more? Y schal `go more to*. [more rathir go to I.] hym, but he schal not turne*. [come I.] aen to me. [verse 24] And Dauid coumfortid Ber|sabee, his wijf; and he entride to hir, and slepte*. [he slepte I.] with hir. And sche gendride a sone, and Dauid clepide his name Sa|lomon*. [Salomon is interpretid pe|sible; and this was of Goddis ordenaunce, for it was schewid to Dauyth, that Salomon schulde regne aftir him, and that he schulde lyue in so greet pees, that he schulde bilde a temple to the Lord, as the Lord bihite to Dauyth, in vii. co. bifore. Lire here. C.]; and the Lord louyde hym. [verse 25] And he sente Salomon*. [him I.] in the hond of Nathan, the prophete; and he clepide his name Amyable*. [Louely I.] to the Lord, for the Lord louyde hym. [verse 26] Therfor*. [Thanne I.] Joab faut aens Rabath*. [Rabath; that was the prin|cipal citee and the kingis citee, and ther|for the king and hise wer|riours put|tiden hem silf therinne. Lire here. C.], of*. [the kyng of I.] the sones of Amon, and he faut aens the `kyngis citee*. [citee of the kyng I.]. [verse 27] And Joab sente mes|sangeris to Dauid, and seide, Y faute*. [haue foute I.] aens Rabath, and the citee of watris schal be takun. [verse 28] Now therfor gadere thou the tother part of the puple, and bisege thou the citee, and take thou it, lest whanne the citee is*. [be I.] wastid of me, the victorie be arettid to my name. [verse 29] Therfor Dauid gaderide*. [gaderide to gidre I.] al the puple, and he ede forth aens Rabath; and whanne he hadde foute*. [foute aens that citee I.], he took it. [verse 30] And he*. [Dauid I.] took the dia|deme of the kyng*. [diademe of the king; that is, of the idol of hem, which is clepid Mel|chon, that is interpretid the king of hem. Lire here. C.] of hem*. [Amon I.] fro his heed, bi weite*. [the weite of I.] a talent of gold, hauynge pre|ciouseste*. [preciouse ADb.] peerlis; and it was put on*. [upon I.] the heed of Dauid, `that is*. [Om. KX.], aftir that it was weldid*. [wellid CDEFGKLMNOPQRSUWXb.]and purgid bi fier*. [Gloss omitted in I.]; but also Dauid bar awey ful myche prey of the*. [that I.] citee. [verse 31] Also*. [And I.] he ledde forth the puple ther|of*. [the puple, etc.; that is, not al the pu|ple, but onely hem that auen councel, that dispit schulde be doon to hise messangeris. Lire here. C.], and sawide*. [he sawide it I.], and `dide aboute*. [cumpasside I.] hem `yrun instrumentis of turment*. [with iren bounde cartis I.], and de|partide Page 119*. [he departide hem I.] with knyues, and `ledde ouer bi the licnesse of tijl stoonus*. [in the schapp of her sidis he stikide hem thorou I.]; so*. [thus I.] he dide to alle the citees of the sones of Amon. And Dauid turnede aen, and al his oost, in to Jerusalem. e24fc04721

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