

Legal advice is given through legal volunteers and a retired Magistrate on our team.

We assist with the navigation and support of SAPS cases.

Guidance and advice regarding Court Protocols.

We offer remote Court Support.

We assist victims and survivors with their cases  through the Victim Support programme, which is available to both men and women.

Availability of knowledge, direction, and support on an emotional level and legal level.

Counselling and therapy for both victims and abusers is provided by Vita Nova Counselling.

We have 46 support volunteers.

The process of rehabilitation for abusers and offenders is also outsourced.

Education around people's perceptions about the issues surrounding Domestic Violence and Narcissistic Abuse. All our services are free to victims & abusers.

After realizing the continued need to keep awareness high around the topic of domestic violence, Rise has launched its "Rise Articles & News" platform, with the intent to provide information and advice on surviving and thriving after experiencing abuse. We're certain you'll learn a lot here. Please refer to our website for further information: Rise Website 
All articles have been proof read by:Mary-Joy Rooiland-Mangadi