Her dersimizin tavsiye edilen, dersler balamadan paylalacak okuma metinleri olmakla birlikte konuya dair bir tanm metnini merkeze olarak, ilenmi, dipnotlu bir metin zerinden mzakere ederek beraber yol almaya gayret edeceiz. Dersden nce mzakeremize zemin tekil edecek bir ka suali ders arkadalarmzla paylaacam. Bu sorulara cevap veya alternatif balklar reterek Google Classroom ortamnda mzakerelere katk salamanz bekliyorum. Derslerimiz her hafta tek oturumda gerekleecek ve en az iki saat srecektir.

Derse katlacak rencilerden kendilerini yetitirme konusunda istekli, ilgili, sorumluluk alan bir yaklam ierisinde olmas dersin verimini ciddi oranda arttracaktr. Zira aratrmalara gre gerek ve derin renme sadece dinleyerek ya da bilgilere ulaarak deil ayn zamanda sorumluluk alnarak aktif rol alnd zaman gerekleebilir. Ders ile ilgili okumalarn yaplmas, ders ncesinde derse hazrlk olarak verilen sorular hakknda deerlendirmelerin renciler tarafndan not alnmas, ders konusu ile ilgili varsa sorularla gelinmesi dersin verimini arttracak etkenlerden saylabilir. Derse ilgi duyan yaz dneminde 8 haftasna verimli bir donanm eklemek isteyen herkesi bekleriz efendim.

Risale I Nur Okuma Program

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The Virtual Retreat is a virtual one. It will be on Zoom only. There will be reading sessions where native speakers will read the selected texts; and there will be discussion sessions where experts will explain certain segments of the text further. The discussion sessions are meant to add interactivity to the program. The retreat will be colored with Kahoot, Jeopardy and the like.

Risale-i Nur Collection is a free app for Android published in the Teaching & Training Tools list of apps, part of Education.

The company that develops Risale-i Nur Collection is Ykselis. The latest version released by its developer is 3.5.3. This app was rated by 1 users of our site and has an average rating of 5.0.

To install Risale-i Nur Collection on your Android device, just click the green Continue To App button above to start the installation process. The app is listed on our website since 2023-08-31 and was downloaded 372 times. We have already checked if the download link is safe, however for your own protection we recommend that you scan the downloaded app with your antivirus. Your antivirus may detect the Risale-i Nur Collection as malware as malware if the download link to com.yukselis.okumaeng is broken.

How to install Risale-i Nur Collection on your Android device:Click on the Continue To App button on our website. This will redirect you to Google Play.Once the Risale-i Nur Collection is shown in the Google Play listing of your Android device, you can start its download and installation. Tap on the Install button located below the search bar and to the right of the app icon.A pop-up window with the permissions required by Risale-i Nur Collection will be shown. Click on Accept to continue the process.Risale-i Nur Collection will be downloaded onto your device, displaying a progress. Once the download completes, the installation will start and you'll get a notification after the installation is finished.

5-11 Temmuz 2015 tarihleri arasnda Samsun ilinde dzenlenen 5. Yetikinler Risale-i Nur okuma programna ikinci defadr katlyorum. Evvel Ramazan ay gibi mbarek bir ayda bu tr mnev programlar tertip ve organize eden Samsunlu kardelerimize ok teekkr ediyoruz. Her trl misafir arlama ve gezi programlarndan dolay da ok mutlu ve memnuniyetimizi ifade babnda Allah raz olsun diyorum.

Evvel; bu mbarek Ramazan aynda yaplan bu programn Ramazann feyiz ve bereketinden yansyan ok bereketli ve ok feyizli ve ayn zamanda ok faydal bir program olduunu samim duygularmla ifade etmeliyim.

Risale-i Nur yetikinler okuma programnn ok istifadeli olduunu katlan kardelerden duymutuk. Biz de cizane tam olmasa da katlma frsat bulduk. ok istifadeli olduunu aynelyakin mahede ettim. Biz bu tip programlarn nceden gen kardeler iin gerekli olduunu dnyorduk. Hlbuki belli yaa gelmi bizlerin de ne kadar byle programlara ihtiyac olduunu bu vesile ile grdk. tima hayatn hay huyu iinde boalan mnev bataryalarmzn arz edilmesine vesile oldu. Bu tip faaliyetlerin dier blgelerimizde de yaplmasn tavsiye ederim.

tag_hash_107We believe that the content of our training program, prepared to introduce Risale-i Nur (Treatise of light), which presents Islam in the most appropriate way in accordance with a modern understanding, has the capability to respond to the social demand for increasing the love for science and the number of inquisitive people thinking intellectually and for the discussion, evaluation and presentation of moral, spiritual and religious values in an academic context and to make serious contribution to the mental transformation that we need.

Our program, which is based on our book, A Journey of Discovery for an Extraordinary Treasure: Risale-i Nur (The Treatise of Light) Training Program, is constructed in a visual format with explanations by making use of almost 2000 visuals, made up of informative graphics, impressive pictures and highlighted texts and lecture videos as well as 170 striking videos related to the subject. Having been woven piece by piece with the sensitivity of an artist, with the conversion of the visual material used in the programs into visual/interactive books, a first in its field (as an innovative religious education tool) it was brought into the use of public as a multidimensional service and education project.

Hayalim ocukluk yllarma gitti. Genliimdeki okuma programlarna, Risale kamplarna daldm. Yamz ilerledike devam ettiimiz ailece yaplan kamplar dndm. Ne gzel gnlerdi. ff782bc1db

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