If your product serves players, you must register it with us regardless of whether or not your product uses official documented APIs. You must make sure its description and metadata are kept up to date with the current version of your product.

On November 20, 2023, we are transitioning our systems away from Summoner Names to using Riot ID as an authoritative way to reference players in League and TFT starting later this year. As such, you will need to make an update to the applicable API. Details for this transition can be found below.

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All player-facing front-end fields and forms will require modification. Applications featuring the "Find your Summoner by Region + Name" functionality must adapt to locate summoners using Riot IDs, which are formed by combining the "game name" and "tag line".

For all other Riot API endpoints, filtering by player can be accomplished using either the PUUID or summonerID. Some APIs offer both options, but we recommend employing PUUID endpoints when available.

For third-party apps, displaying Riot IDs in place of summoner names within frontend fields is now necessary. If you lack a Riot ID for a particular player in your database or wish to keep it up to date, you can acquire it through the following endpoints:

Following this migration, Summoner Names endpoints will remain accessible. However, they will no longer be player-facing. We intend to keep them temporarily to avoid disrupting existing APIs. For summoners created after this transition, they will be assigned a random uuidv4 generated string.

We strongly advise utilizing this deprecation period to refactor your existing applications and remove reliance on the summoner names field. In future releases, we will remove summoner names from the API altogether.

Before you can get started with RSO, you will need a production key. If you do not have one, please create one at after reading our policies. If approved, we will contact you in the developer portal app messaging to kick off the RSO integration process.

After logging in, players are redirected back to the redirect_uri you specified. See Implementing Riot Sign On and Example RSO Node App for information about how to integrate with RSO and to view a sample Node web server that implements the example.

To execute a request to the League of Legends (LoL) API, you must select the correct host to execute your request to. LoL API uses routing values in the domain to ensure your request is properly routed. Platform IDs and regions as routing values, such as na1 and americas. Routing values are determined by the topology of the underlying services. Services are frequently clustered by platform resulting in platform IDs being used as routing values. Services may also be clustered by region, which is when regional routing values are used. The best way to tell if an endpoint uses a platform or a region as a routing value is to execute a sample request through the Reference page.

Data Dragon is our way of centralizing League of Legends game data and assets, including champions, items, runes, summoner spells, and profile icons. All of which can be used by third-party developers. You can download a compressed tarball (.tgz) for each patch that contains all assets for that patch. Updating Data Dragon after each League of Legends patch is a manual process, so it is not always updated immediately after a patch.

You can find all valid Data Dragon versions in the versions file. Typically there is only a single build of Data Dragon for a given patch, however, there may be additional builds. This typically occurs when there is an error in the original build. As such, you should always use the most recent Data Dragon version for a given patch for the best results.

Data Dragon provides two kinds of static data: data files and game assets. The data files provide raw static data on various components of the game such as summoner spells, champions, and items. The assets are images of the components described in the data files.

The data file URLs include both a version and language code. The examples in the documentation below use version 14.11.1 and the en_US language code. If you want to view assets released in other versions or languages, replace the version or language code in the URL.

Data Dragon provides localized versions of each of the data files in languages supported by the client. Below is a list of the languages supported by Data Dragon, which you can also retrieve from the Data Dragon languages file.

There are two kinds of data files for champions. The champion.json data file returns a list of champions with a brief summary. The individual champion JSON files contain additional data for each champion.

Lore, tips, stats, spells, and even recommended items are all part of the data available for every champion. Champion spell tooltips often have placeholders for variables that are signified by double curly brackets. Here are some tips about interpreting these placeholders:

 {{ eN }} placeholders

Placeholders are replaced by the corresponding item in the array given in the effectBurn field. For example, {{ eN }} is a placeholder for spell["effectBurn"]["1"].

 {{ aN }} or {{ fN }} placeholders

These placeholders are slightly more complicated. Their values can be found in the vars field. First, find the object in the vars array whose key matches the variable. For example, for {{ a1 }}, find the object in the vars array whose key field has the value a1. The value for this variable is the coeff field in that same object.

Under a champions spells there are two fields effect and effectBurn. effect contains an array of an ability's values per level where, in contrast, effectBurn contains a string of all the values at every level. (e.g., "effect": [30,60,90,120,150] vs "effectBurn": "30/60/90/120/150"). You might notice how the effect and effectBurn arrays have a null value in the 0 index. This is because those values are taken from designer-facing files where arrays are 1-based. JSON is 0-based so a null is inserted to make it easier to verify the JSON files are correct.

In most cases a spell costs mana or energy, you will find those related costs under the cost and costBurn fields. When a spell costs health, the cost will be found in the effect and effectBurn fields. You can determine how to calculate the cost of a spell by looking at the resource field, which should point you to the variable being used to display the cost of a spell.

The number at the end of the filename corresponds to the skin number. You can find the skin number for each skin in the file for each individual champion in Data Dragon. Each champion contains a skins field and the skin number is indicated by the num field.

You can find the file name for each champion's abilities in the individual champion Data Dragon file. The spells field contains an array of objects which includes image data. The filename is indicated by the full field.

Data Dragon also provides the same level of detail for every item in the game. Within Data Dragon, you can find info such as the item's description, purchase value, sell value, items it builds from, items it builds into, and stats granted from the item.

The effect field holds an array of variables used extra scripts. For example, on Doran's shield you see the following data in the effect field, which corresponds to the 8 damage that is blocked from champion attacks.

A list of possible stats that you gain from items, runes, or masteries can also be found in Data Dragon. You can find a list of stats gained by the item, rune, or mastery by searching for the stats field. Below are some tips when it comes to understanding what a stat means and how they are calculated:

League of Legends leverages custom game lobbies to support developers that want to build Tournaments for players. Custom games can use Tournament Code that help you quickly and easily get players into private custom game lobbies with preset game settings, such as map and pick type. At the completion of each Tournament Code enabled game, the results will be forwarded automatically (HTTP POST) to a URL specified by the tournament developer.

It is recommended to register a tournament provider (specifying region/shard and URL for results) well in advance and do a full loop testing to ensure everything is setup properly for your web service.

Access to the Tournaments API provides several new methods that can be viewed on the API Reference page. You should explore every method to get more information on actual usage including the format and description of parameters you can supply.

When a game created using tournament code has completed, the League of Legends servers will automatically make a callback to the tournament provider's registered URL through HTTP POST. Below are a couple notes about how the server callback works.

The provider registration and callback mechanism are relatively inflexible. For best results, use one of the valid generic top level domains (gTLDs) listed below and use HTTP over HTTPS for your callback URL while using the metaData field to validate callbacks.

When a game created using Tournament Code has completed, the League of Legends servers will automatically make a callback to the tournament provider's registered URL via HTTP POST. Below are a couple notes about how the server callback works.

In addition to game stats related methods, the lobby-events/by-code/{tournamentCode} method that can help query pre-game lobby events. This is useful for building tournament administration system and be able to detect whether a game for a given tournament code started normally. This call can be made both after the match for the full timeline and anytime during the lobby phase for a timeline of events up to that moment. Below is an example of the JSON returned for lobby events:

Specifically, we're referring to a set of protocols that the Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) uses to communicate with a C++ Library that in turn communicates with the League of Legends platform. As you'll notice, the communications between the C++ library and the CEF all occur locally on your desktop. This is the League Client API. This service is not officially supported for use with third party applications. 152ee80cbc

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