
Mark George 

Hello everyone, my name is Mark George and I will be serving as your 2023-2024 chapter treasurer. I am a sophomore and have been in our FFA program since freshman year and have loved every second of it. Being an active member in this program comes with a lot of responsibilities, obstacles, and problems but those are what shape the people in this program. Overcoming obstacles are just different ways to make you improve as a person so being in FFA comes with a lot of improving. FFA has provided me with a passion that I never noticed I had and it has become one of the most important things in my life. For my livestock project, I raised a turkey named “Drumstick”. It came with so many different lessons and responsibilities as well as the funny moments when my turkey would waddle trying to run from me. Along with FFA, I spend a lot of time focusing on my AP and honors classes to complete goals along the road. I love participating in competitions with our program and have competed in Creed, BIG, and, Opening and Closing. In the future, I plan on being on our Parli Pro and Vet Science. FFA has acquired me with a drive to be the change I want to see and I will do anything to complete this goal. FFA has given me so much potential and I plan on using it in this organization. It has given me a newfound passion for raising livestock and the combination of leadership and learning for progressive agriculture. I would like to make our organization a welcoming safe space and to improve it day by day from the day I joined. FFA shows and represents where I feel comfortable and at home and I would like to pass this on to all of you.