
Briana Guzman

Hello everyone! My name is Briana Guzman and I will be serving as your 2023-2024 chapter President.  I am very passionate about soccer, FFA, the MECHA club, my job and my family. I have only been involved in FFA since my junior year but in that time I have learned and grown so much. FFA has become one of my greatest yet hardest responsibilities apart from all my sports and AP classes. I have never raised an animal because I was unfortunately not available to but this year I am planning to step out of my comfort zone and raise my first goat. Coming from a non agriculture background it was very hard for me to transition from non agriculture to an agriculture environment. This year my goal is to help my chapter grow and feel comfortable with everyone and everything. I plan on accomplishing this goal by keeping an open mind and encouraging everyone to participate in events. I am very excited to serve as this year’s chapter President and work with all of you in this upcoming