
Journal Papers

  1. A Ramsey-type theorem for the matching number regarding connected graphs (with Ilkyoo Choi, Michitaka Furuya, Boram Park), Discrete Mathematics, Published Online, 343(2): 2020. (Journal, Arxiv, )

  2. Classes of graphs with no long cycle as a vertex-minor are polynomially χ-bounded (with O-joung Kwon, Sang-il Oum, Vaidy Sivaraman), Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Ser. B, 140 (2020), 372-386. (Journal ,Arxiv)

  3. Largest 2-regular subgraphs in 3-regular graphs (with Ilkyoo Choi, Alexandr Kostochka, Boram Park, Douglas B. West), Graphs and Combinatorics, 35(4):805-813, 2019. (Journal)

  4. Characterization of forbidden subgraphs for bounded star chromatic number (with Ilkyoo Choi, Boram Park), Discrete Mathematics, 342(3):635-642, 2019. (Journal, Arxiv)

  5. Cycles with two blocks in k-chromatic digraphs (with Seog-Jin Kim, Jie Ma and Boram Park), Journal of Graph Theory, 88 (2018), no.4, 592-605. (Journal, Arxiv)

  6. Chromatic index determined by fractional chromatic index (with Guantao Chen, Yuping Gao, Luke Postle and Songling Shan), Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Ser. B, 131 (2018), 85-108. (Journal, Arxiv)

  7. Domination in tournaments (with Maria Chudnovsky, Chun-Hung Liu, Paul Seymour and Stéphan Thomassé), Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Ser. B 130 (2018), 98-113 (Journal, pdf)

  8. Tree-chromatic number is not equal to path-chromatic number (with Tony Huynh), Journal of Graph Theory, 86 (2017), no.2, 213-222. (Journal, Arxiv)

  9. Unavoidable subtournaments in large tournaments with no homogeneous sets, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 31(2) (2017), 714-725 (Journal)

  10. Unavoidable induced subgraphs in large graphs with no homogeneous sets (with Maria Chudnovsky, Sang-il Oum and Paul Seymour), Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Ser. B 118 (2016), 1-12. (Journal, Arxiv)

  11. Disjoint dijoins (with Maria Chudnovsky, Katherine Edwards, Alex Scott and Paul Seymour), Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Ser. B 120 (2016), 18-35. (Journal, Arxiv)

Submitted Papers

  1. The List Linear Arboricity of Graphs (with Luke Postle) (Arxiv)

  2. Signed colouring and list colouring of k-chromatic graphs (with Seog-Jin Kim, Xuding Zhu) (pdf)

  3. Maximum k-sum n-free sets of the 2-dimensional integer lattice (with Ilkyoo Choi, Boram Park) (Arxiv)

  4. Equitable partition of planar graphs (with Sang-il Oum, Xin Zhang) (Arxiv)

  5. Obstructions for partitioning into forests and outerplanar graphs (with Sergey Norin, Sangil-Oum) (Arxiv)

  6. Decomposing planar graphs into graphs with degree restrictions (with Eun-Kyung Cho, Ilkyoo Choi, Boram Park, Tingting Shan, Xuding Zhu)

  7. Generalized list colouring of graphs (with Eun-Kyung Cho, Ilkyoo Choi, Yiting Jiang, Boram Park, Jiayan Yan, Xuding Zhu)

  8. The strong clique number of graphs with forbidden cycles (with Eun-Kyung Cho, Ilkyoo Choi, Boram Park)