How does small-scale physics drive galaxy evolution?

converted to an online talk series which has concluded

Important update

Due to the current COVID19 measures affecting international travels and the venue seating capacity the workshop has been postponed to summer 2021 (see below for details).

This year we will aim at a series of virtual seminars to start in September to create a common knowledge base for the in-person meeting. This virtual seminar series are also meant to provide junior scientists with an opportunity to show-case their results during these times of restricted travel.


The Max Planck Institute for Astronomy (MPIA) in Heidelberg, Germany, is organising a Ringberg workshop on

How does small-scale physics drive galaxy evolution?

to take place June 21-25 2021, at the International Academic Forum Heidelberg (IWH), in Heidelberg, Germany.

Due to the uncertainties related to COVID-19 restrictions which might be in place in the future, the final decision on in-person participation will be done at a later stage closer to the actual time of the workshop.

The workshop aims to bring together experts on the observation and theory of the star formation process to understand how does small-scale physics drive galaxy evolution. The venue of Ringberg Castle provides a unique atmosphere for small, focussed and interactive workshops (limited to up to 60 participants).

There will be no registration fee for this workshop.


  • Guillermo Blanc (Carnegie Observatories

  • Eric Emsellem (ESO)

  • Andrey Kravtsov (U. Chicago)

  • Janice Lee (CalTech/IPAC)

  • Adam Leroy (OSU)

  • Eve Ostriker (U. Princeton)

  • Erik Rosolowsky (U. Alberta)

  • Eva Schinnerer (MPIA, chair)


  • I-Ting Ho (MPIA)

  • Hsi-An Pan (MPIA)

  • Susanne Koltes-Al-Zoubi (MPIA)

  • Francesco Santoro (MPIA)

  • Thomas Williams (MPIA, chair)


To contact the organisers, please, send an email to either the SOC/LOC chairs (schinner 'at' or williams 'at'