
Viscosity solution approach to asymptotic problems in front propagation, dynamical system and related topics

Venue: Room 420, RIMS, Kyoto University (Access Information)

Period: July 17 (Wed)--July 19 (Fri), 2019

July 17 (Wed)

13:00--13:50 Tianling Jin (香港科技大学/Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

Asymptotic behavior for higher order conformally invariant equations with isolated singularities

14:00--14:50 小池茂昭/Shigeaki Koike (早稲田大学/Waseda University)

Obstacle problems for fully nonlinear elliptic PDEs

15:10--16:00 高棹圭介/Keisuke Takasao (京都大学/Kyoto University)

Phase field method for mean curvature flow with dynamic boundary condition

16:10--16:40 岡本潤/Jun Okamoto (東京大学/University of Tokyo)

Random discretization of O'Hara knot energy

July 18 (Thu)

10:00--10:50 Yifeng Yu (カリフォルニア大学アーバイン校/University of California, Irvine)

Optimal rate of convergence in periodic homogenization of Hamilton-Jacobi equations

11:00--11:50 石毛和弘/Kazuhiro Ishige (東京大学/University of Tokyo)

Large time behavior of ODE type solutions to a nonlinear parabolic system

13:30--14:20 Armin Schikorra (ピッツバーグ大学/University of Pittsburgh)

On a geometric obstacle-type problem

14:30--15:20 小野寺有紹/Michiaki Onodera (東京工業大学/Tokyo Institute of Technology)

Hyperbolic solutions to Bernoulli's free boundary problem

15:30--16:00 館山翔太/Shota Tateyama (早稲田大学/Waseda University)

The Phragmén-Lindelöf theorem for fully nonlinear parabolic equations with unbounded ingredients

16:10--16:40 寺井健悟/Kengo Terai (東京大学/University of Tokyo)

The vanishing discount problem for first order mean-field games

18:30-- Banquet

July 19 (Fri)

10:00--10:50 赤木剛朗/Goro Akagi (東北大学/Tohoku University)

Traveling wave dynamics for the Allen-Cahn equation with the positive-part function

11:00--11:50 張龍傑/Longjie Zhang (東京大学/University of Tokyo)

On the generalized Dirichlet problem for graph mean curvature flow with driving force

13:30--14:20 Lorenzo Cavallina (東北大学/Tohoku University)

On a variation of Serrin’s overdetermined problem in a two-phase setting: the geometry of non-trivial solutions

14:30--15:00 三栖邦康/Kuniyasu Misu (北海道大学/Hokkaido University)

Asymptotic shape of solutions to the mean curvature flow equation with a discontinuous source term

This workshop is partially supported by

▷ 京都大学数理解析研究所

▷ JSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientic Research (C), No. 19K03580

「制御問題,力学系,界面運動に現れる漸近問題への粘性解的手法の研究」PI: Hiroyoshi Mitake

▷ JSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientic Research (C), No. 19K03574

「粘性解理論に基づくサブリーマン多様体上の非線形偏微分方程式の研究」PI: Qing Liu