

13:30 - 14:20 小室元政 (東京大学) 結合サインサークル写像のレゾナンス(共鳴)分岐について(4)


14:40 - 15:30 市田優 (明治大学) 空間1次元退化放物型方程式の非負進行波を特徴付ける無限遠ダイナミクスと無限遠の分岐

本講演では,空間1次元退化放物型方程式における非負進行波の分類に関する結果を報告する.これは,進行波を特徴付ける2次元常微分方程式系の無限遠ダイナミクスを力学系理論及び幾何学的アプローチ(特に ポアンカレ・コンパクト化)により調べることで得られる.この結果の応用として,これまでに知られている変換を上手に用いることにより,空間 1 次元多孔質媒質方程式の非負の進行波解の分類も得られる.さらに,これらの進行波を特徴づける2次元常微分方程式において生じる無限遠の平衡点の分岐現象についてコメントする.本講演は坂元孝志氏(明治大学)との共同研究に基づく.

15:50 - 16:05 高溝 史周 (大阪公立大学) Finite beta-expansions of natural numbers


16:10 - 16:25 森田英俊 (四天王寺大学) ハイブリッド力学系における新しい分岐:ヒトの歩行・走行のモデルとその一般化



10:00 - 10:50: Tomoki Ohsawa (The University of Texas at Dallas) Hamiltonian Dynamics of Gaussian Wave Packets and Approximation of Semiclassical Expectation Values

I will talk about the Hamiltonian formulation of Gaussian wave packets as an approximation to expectation value dynamics of the semiclassical Schr\"odinger equation with a Gaussian as the initial condition. Specifically, we formulate the Hamiltonian dynamics of the Gaussian wave packet using the symplectic structures behind the Schr\"odinger equation and the Siegel upper half space. It results in a correction term to the conventional formulation using the classical Hamiltonian system by Hagedorn and others. The main result is a proof that our formulation gives, under certain conditions on the potential function, a higher-order approximation than the classical formulation does to the dynamics of the expectation values of the position and momentum.

11:10 - 12:00: 岡田 真明 (九州大学) 0-1テント系列の空間計算量


13:30 - 13:45: 加藤久男 (筑波大学) Reconstructions of one-sided topological dynamics from multivariate time series data

We study the most effective multivariate observation functions of one-sided topological dynamics, and investigate the relationships between the multivariate time series and the `trajectory' embedding dimensions. We show that using multivariate time series can improve the trajectory embedding dimensions, and we give the minimal trajectory embedding dimensions. 

13:50 - 14:05: 須田智晴 (理化学研究所) 常微分方程式系の縮約とskew productについて

多くの変数からなる常微分方程式系が与えられたとする.変数のうち,ごく一部にしか興味がないとき,その実効的なダイナミクスを取り出そうと考えることは自然である.このような解析では時間スケールの差を利用することが多い.しかし,長期的な挙動にしか興味がなく,かつ系が良い性質を持つのであれば,もっと容易に解析できることもあるのではないだろうか. この点に関し,本講演ではskew productの構造に着目する.非自励系の場合には系の長期的な応答を調べる問題も考えられるが,これについて,化学反応の解析でよく用いられる「定常状態近似」との関係について述べるとともに,応用例を紹介する.

14:10 - 14:25: Wei Hao Tey (The University of Tokyo) Bifurcation of attractors in random dynamical systems with bounded noise

The importance of considering the presence of noise and uncertainty has become increasingly evident in real-world applications during the last few decades. With an assumption of bounded noise, the stationary measures are typically non-unique and supported on compact sets, allowing for a topological characterisation of the dynamical situation. The collection of trajectories with all possible noise realisations can be described at the topological level as a deterministic set-valued dynamical system. We are interested in the bifurcation of the stationary measures of the random dynamical system, which turns out to be invariant sets of the set-valued system. The bifurcation can be detected by traditional bifurcation of a single-valued dynamical system, inspired by the boundary of invariant sets.

14:50 - 15:40:横山知郎 (埼玉大学) Dependency of the positive and negative long-time behaviors of flows on surfaces

Long-time behavior is one of the most fundamental properties in dynamical systems. The limit behaviors of flows on surfaces are captured by the Poincaré-Bendixson theorem using the ω-limit sets. This talk demonstrates that the positive and negative long-time behaviors are not independent. In fact, we show the dependence between the ω-limit sets and the α-limit sets of points of flows on surfaces, which partially generalizes the Poincaré-Bendixson theorem. Moreover, we apply the dependency result to solve the kinds of the ω-limit sets that appear in the area-preserving (or, more generally, non-wandering) flows on compact surfaces.

16:00 - 16:50: 勝田 篤 (九州大学) Counting problems of prime closed orbits in uniformly hyperbolic flows for nilpotent extensions

The Floquet-Bloch theory is a popular tool for the investigation of materials with periodic structures. For example, we can show that the spectrum of periodic Schr\""{o}dinger operators have band structures.  In the context of this talk, this theory was applied to the following problems in the case of abelian extensions:

(1) A geometric analogue of the Chebotarev density theorem for prime closed orbits in uniformly hyperbolic flows.

(2) A long time asymptotic expansion of the heat kernels of covering manifolds of compact Riemannian manifolds. 

Here, we develop our version of non-commutative Floquet-Bloch theory and give applications to these problems for nilpotent extensions.


10:00 - 10:50: Johannes Jaerisch (Nagoya University)Multifractal analysis for the geodesic flow on hyperbolic surfaces

We use multifractal analysis to investigate the long-term behavior of growth rates associated with the geodesic flow on  surfaces of constant negative curvature. The growth rates we consider are given by the  distance travelled on the surface, the number of windings around cusps, and the number of crossings of sides of a fundamental domain. We utilize the symbolic dynamics for Fuchsian groups with even corners developed by Bowen/Series and Series. It turns out that notions of thermodynamic formalism and fractal geometry are useful to describe the typical and exceptional behavior of the geodesic flow. This talk is based on joint work with Hiroki Takahasi (Keio University).

11:10 - 12:00: Ziyu Liu (名古屋大学)Word Appearance in Uniformly Recurrent Sequences and Multifractal Analysis of Hölder Regularity for Gibbs Distribution Functions

Given a subshift of finite type and a finite set \mathcal{W} of admissible words, we consider two types of sequences in the shift space. One is given by the admissible sequences in which the words in \mathcal{W} appear frequently, and the other by those in which arbitrarily long consecutive repetitions of words in \mathcal{W} do not appear. We investigate the u-dimension of the set of such sequences at which the Birkhoff sums of some given function are bounded. The results have a natural implication on the upper and lower H\"older derivatives of the cumulative distribution function of a Gibbs measure on an interval.

13:30 - 13:45: 矢ヶ崎一幸(京都大学) Periodic Perturbations of Codimension-Two Bifurcations with a Double Zero Eigenvalue in Dynamical Systems with Symmetry

We study bifurcation behavior in periodic perturbations of two-dimensional symmetric systems exhibiting codimension-two bifurcations with a double zero eigenvalue when the frequencies of the perturbation terms are small. The results can be applied to three or higher-dimensional systems and even to infinite-dimensional systems with the assistance of center manifold reduction and the invariant manifold theory. We illustrate our theory for a pendulum subjected to position and velocity feedback control when the desired position is periodic in time. We also give numerical computations by the computer tool AUTO to demonstrate the theoretical results.

13:50 - 14:05: 大森祥輔(早稲田大学,群馬工業高等専門学校,発表者),山崎義弘(早稲田大学) ネガティブフィードバックを有する超離散方程式の動力学的性質

本発表では、生体系のネガティブフィードバック機構の連続モデルに対する超離散方程式の力学的性質について報告する。まず、先行研究(S. Gibo, et.al., J. Theor. Biol., 378, 89 (2015))で得られている連続モデルに対するトロピカル差分化方程式の力学的性質を、二次元トロピカル差分化に対する一般論(S. Ohmori and Y. Yamazaki, arXiv:2304.01573)に基づいて議論し直す。次にその超離散化を行い、超離散モデルが有する分岐構造及びリミットサイクルの性質を解析する。更に、連続モデルから超離散モデルへ至るまでのリミットサイクルの状態遷移を議論する。

14:10 - 14:25: 中島 由人(慶應義塾基礎科学・基盤工学インスティテュート) Hausdorff dimension of sets with restricted, slowly growing partial quotients in the semi-regular continued fraction

We consider sets of irrational numbers whose partial quotients $a_{\sigma,n}$ in the semi-regular continued fraction expansion obey certain restrictions and growth conditions. Our main result asserts that the Hausdorff dimension of the set of irrational numbers whose partial quotients $a_{\sigma,n}$ diverges to infinity does not drop from $\tau(B)/2$ no matter how slowly $a_{\sigma,n}$ grows to infinity, where $\tau(B)$ is the exponent of convergence of $B\subset \mathbb N$. To prove the result, we  construct non-autonomous iterated function systems well-adapted to the given restrictions and growth conditions, and then apply the dimension theory developed by Rempe-Gillen and Urba\'nski. This is joint work with Hiroki Takahasi (Keio University).

14:50 - 15:40: 渡邉天鵬(中部大学) On the stochastic bifurcation of random holomorphic dynamical systems

We consider random iterations of simple polynomial maps. First, we study the relationships between stochastic bifurcation and topological properties of the random Julia sets. Second, we give quantitative estimates of bifurcation parameters. Moreover, I would like to apply this results to study better parameters for Random Relaxed Newton's Methods which was proposed by Sumi. 

16:00 - 16:50: 竹内 愛理(University of Augsburg)ポテンシャル付き可積分ビリヤードと等角・射影変換

この講演では,等角写像によって様々なポテンシャルを持つ平面上のビリヤード系が対応付けられることを示し,特に,Kepler,Hooke,two-center,Lagrangeポテンシャルの下で二次曲線で与えられる反射壁を持つビリヤードの可積分性を導く。また射影変換により,これらの平面上の可積分ビリヤード系から,対応する球面上,双曲面上のポテンシャル付き可積分ビリヤード系を得ることができる.また射影変換をn次元に一般化することにより,対応する高次元の可積分ビリヤード系をユークリッド空間,球面,双曲面上で得る.この講演はUniversity of AugsburgのLei Zhao氏との共同研究に基づく.


10:00 - 10:50: 石井雅治(椙山女学園大学)可積分性とは何か? ―延長空間での可積分性を考える―



11:10 - 12:00: 平出耕一(愛媛大学)2次写像の放物型不動点における不変多様体について


13:30 - 13:45: 川原田 茜(京都教育大学) 線型CAの時間発展パターンにおける初期値のseedについて


13:50 - 14:05: 上田肇一(富山大学) 反応拡散系における弱い衝突による対消滅


14:10 - 14:25: Hiroki Takahasi (Keio Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences) On the topological entropy of robustly transitive non-hyperbolic sets in dimension three

For each integer m>1, we exhibit a C1 open set of diffeomorphisms of $\mathbb R^3$ which have compact robustly transitive, strongly partially hyperbolic sets carrying exactly two ergodic measures of maximal entropy \log (m+1). As a corollary it follows that, the topological entropy of these invariant sets robustly equals \log (m+1). If time permits, I will raise some related open questions. 

14:50 - 15:40: 村上聡梧(東京大学) Oriented and standard shadowing properties on closed surfaces

We prove that oriented and standard shadowing properties are equivalent for topological flows on closed surfaces with the nonwandering sets consisting of a finite number of critical elements (i.e., singularities or closed orbits). Moreover, we prove that each isolated singularity of a topological flow on a closed surface with the oriented shadowing property is either asymptotically stable, backward asymptotically stable, or admits a neighborhood which splits into two or four hyperbolic sectors.


10:00 - 10:50: 世良 透(大阪大学) 間欠力学系の逆正弦法則に関連する大偏差評価


11:10 - 12:00: 林 修平(東京大学) On the TPO conjecture for C^1 nonsingular endomorphisms

Ergodic optimization における中心的問題に Jenkinson によるTPO conjecture と呼ばれるものがある。それは適切な双曲性の下で、リプシッツ関数やC^1関数などの良いregularityを持つ関数からなるバナッハ空間において optimal periodic orbit を持つものが open dense あるか?という問題であり、 Yuan & Hunt によりAxiom A diffeomorphisms とexpanding map に対して90年代に提起されていた問題を一般化したものである。 2016年にContreras が expanding map の場合にこの予想を解決したことはよく知られているが、比較的最近、中国人のグループが Axiom A attractor, Anosov diffeomorphism,  expanding map を含む場合に解決したという論文がarXiv に出ている。一方で、一般の Axiom A diffeomorphism についてはまだ未解決であると思われる。この問題を、すでに解決されている expanding map の場合を除いた C^1 nonsingular Axiom A endomorphism を含む形で考察したい。