Rijubrata Kundu

(Postdoctoral fellow, Department of Mathematics)

The Institute of Mathematical Sciences Chennai (IMSc)

4th Cross St, CIT Campus, Tharamani, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600113

Email address: rijubrata8@gmail.com/rijubratak@imsc.res.in

My subject of interest is Mathematics.  My broad subject area of research is Group theory. More specifically, I am interested in studying conjugacy class related problems in finite classical groups, or more generally, finite groups of Lie type.  My approach towards these problems  also involve enumerative combinatorics.  Further, I am interested in Representation theory of finite groups, more specifically that of the Symmetric groups and related algebraic combinatorics. I also find interest in the theory of Lie algebras.

My Doctoral Supervisor - Dr. Anupam Singh.

My Ph.D. thesis.