I totally agree with killmefaster, and to ilovekelly75, you have got to be kidding me, she sings about entertainment and the business and being in the spotlight, so how is she singing about being a hooker? women have feelings you know and the media is very hard on them, like their only purpose is to please men, or be an idle for this world. thats what I think she is singing about, cause when you are in the media's spotlight, it is like you lose yourself and get hurt. so thats the question existing, that who is she living for, herself? or the media?

I'll be honest, at first as i was listening and reading the music, i thought that one part where she's doing that reading type thing that it was a stripper. But after i saw some of your comments i can also see and like to think its about society telling you how to live, how to look, and what to do with your life and rihanna is saying who are we living for? ourselfs or what other people and the media tell us to live.

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The rights under trademarks arise out of the Trade Marks Act 1994 and the associated EU directives and regulations. The EU Trade Mark Regulation lays down the rules for the EU trademark regime -an EU trademark is a unitary right that covers all member states of the European Union. The English courts can, and often do, refer questions on interpretation of the EU legislation to the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU).

Foreign citizens may enforce their rights as a UK citizen would, provided that the cause of action is made out in England and Wales. For example, as discussed in question 1, Rihanna was entitled to protect her rights because she had built up goodwill in the UK.

It may be possible to transfer rights in confidential information. It is questionable whether all forms of confidential information are transferable. It may also be impractical for the transferor to be divested of the information.

Intent is not necessary in any of the listed causes of action but it may affect the level of damages available in copyright infringement cases (see question 22). It may also be easier to establish the misrepresentation element of a claim in passing-off if it can be shown that the actions were deliberate.

Does liability extend to media publishing content created by an advertiser and website operators publishing posts by third parties? Does republishing or retweeting or other social media propagation of existing content give rise to liability?

Where a question of interpretation of EU law applies, the courts are bound by the jurisprudence of the CJEU. This largely relates to trademarks, data protection and copyright as these areas of law largely derive from EU law, although in respect of copyright this is limited to certain areas because it is not a fully harmonised right.

Appeals from the High Court are made to the Court of Appeal on questions of law. The Court of Appeal rarely overturns decisions of facts. Appeals on points of law from the Court of Appeal can be made to the Supreme Court, although this is rare. There is no automatic right of appeal so permission must be obtained. 0852c4b9a8

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