

13:00~13:50 Wada Spectral theory and weak limit theorem for quantum walks in 1d

14:00~14:50 Nakajima Sharp threshold sequence and universality for Ising perceptron models

15:00~15:50 Motegi Last passage percolation models and refined dual Grothendieck polynomials

16:10~17:00 Shimada Four-point Functions in 1+1d Non-relativistic CFTs


10:00~10:50 Sakamoto A Cauchy problem of the Boltzmann equation without angular cutoff near an equilibrium in low-regularity spaces

11:00~11:50 Suzuki Convergence of mean field gradient Langevin dynamics for optimizing two-layer neural networks

14:00~14:50 Duy Gaussian beta ensembles and orthogonal polynomials

15:00~15:50 Fukuizumi Stochastic Gross-Pitaevskii equation


10:00~10:50 Yoshida Majorana reflection positivity in the attractive SU(N) Fermi-Hubbard Model

11:00~11:50 Yoshioka Neural-net representation of quantum many-body states

14:00~14:50 Ogata An invariant of symmetry protected topological phases with on-site finite group symmetry for two-dimensional Fermion systems

15:00~15:50 Suda Seat number configuration of the box-ball system

16:10~17:00 Moriya Macroscopic approach for the large deviation of the symmetric simple exclusion process


10:00~10:50 Hasebe Time-inhomogeneous branching processes and Loewner chains

11:00~11:50 Kusuoka $\Phi ^4_3$-quantum field theory and a construction of a nontrivial and rotation invariant $\Phi^4_3$-measure