Understanding the Meaning of KEKW Emote

In the world of online gaming and streaming, emotes play a significant role in communication, allowing viewers and streamers to express emotions, reactions, and camaraderie. Among the plethora of emotes used on popular platforms like Twitch, "KEKW" has emerged as one of the most beloved and widely-used expressions of laughter. In this SEO blog, we will explore the origin, kekw meaning, and cultural impact of the KEKW emote.

The Origins of KEKW

KEKW is a variant of the widely-known "LULW" emote, which stands for "Laughing Out Loud, W." The "W" represents the face of John "TotalBiscuit" Bain, a well-respected gaming commentator who passed away in 2018. The LULW emote features a photo of TotalBiscuit laughing, symbolizing amusement and laughter in chat.

The KEKW emote, however, originates from a different source. It features the face of Spanish comedian and streamer Juan Joya Borja, popularly known as "El Risitas." Borja became an internet sensation due to a viral video of his contagious laughter, leading to the creation of the KEKW emote.

The Significance of KEKW

KEKW has become synonymous with expressing laughter, amusement, and comedic appreciation during Twitch streams and online gaming communities. Streamers and viewers alike use the emote to indicate that something is funny or to acknowledge humorous moments.

The "El Risitas" Laugh

The KEKW emote features Borja's face, showcasing his infectious laughter from the viral video. This distinctive laughter has transcended language barriers and cultures, becoming a universal expression of joy and amusement.

Cultural Impact and Memes

As with many internet phenomena, the KEKW emote has spawned various memes and adaptations. Internet users have creatively incorporated the emote into reaction images, GIFs, and humorous videos, further solidifying its place in online culture.

Emotes as a Communication Tool

Emotes, including KEKW, play a crucial role in the language of online communication. They provide a quick and expressive way for viewers to interact with streamers and fellow viewers during live broadcasts. KEKW's association with laughter allows participants to engage in lighthearted and enjoyable interactions, fostering a sense of community among gaming enthusiasts.


The KEKW emote has become an integral part of online culture, enabling users to express laughter and amusement in a fun and engaging manner. As a representation of Juan Joya Borja's contagious laughter, KEKW continues to bring joy to countless individuals in Twitch chats and gaming communities worldwide.

Through the widespread use of emotes like KEKW, the internet continues to create its own unique language and expressions, connecting people from different backgrounds and regions through the universal language of humor. So, the next time you come across a funny or entertaining moment during a Twitch stream or online gaming session, don't hesitate to drop a KEKW in chat and share in the laughter with your fellow enthusiasts.