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Opening in any other software or uploading them to youtube doesn't work either. These files are broken.

There seems to be no fix for this other than manually downloading the broken files from dropbox.com.

I can't seem to even disable SmartSync, I remember this option used to be there in Preferences but it's gone now:

Right Click Download Any Video

Download File 🔥 https://ssurll.com/2yGbZn 🔥

Please tell me how to disable this horrendous SmartSync forever!

It's causing only problems and brings no benefits, I have enough space on my HD to download all files anyway, and if I happen to run out of space I'd rather prefer to use Selective Sync instead.

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1. Dropbox is stuck at "Dowloading 3 files" since Monday

2. I cannot figure out which 3 files, because the syncing icon overlays are not visible anymore in Windows Explorer

Will try to figure it out myself first, if it doesn't help I will open a new thread.

Hi , not sure if anyone can help me or how to contact anyone. Sadly I use Dropbox. I actually hate it however all my files and folders dating back years are in it. I didn't know that files were still on my Mac and now have run out of disk space. I have read some of the online advice and it says I need to make some files online only. This is fine however to do this I need to access preferences and do some hovering? I have no dropbox icon in the tool bar ( also cannot for the life of me figure out how to get this back) . Then I understand I can make some files online only? How can I do this if I cant access the preferences??? Makes no sense at all to me at all. I can only access dropbox via finder and obvs dont have a right click( ?) as its a Mac? Is there anyway I can speak to someone or get any advice on this before I throw my laptop out of the window?

I've shared three screenshots--(1) one from within a Dropbox folder with right click selected (and available options), (2) my Dropbox app menu showing that all items are synced and they are confirmed via Dropbox web and (3) showing that all folders are set to sync (which they are).

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"Right-click publish" refers to the really, really, really, super common practice of publishing your web application to Azure directly from Visual Studio. It's a really popular technique used by developers everywhere... and far too frequently by Microsoft presenters on stage.

Maybe you have something installed on your machine that's not in production.

Maybe you didn't merge all the changes people made.

Maybe you did, but you resolved that tricky bit slightly wrong.

Maybe you merged successfully, but forgot to run tests.

Maybe you did run the tests, and they work fine on your machine, but not in production.

Maybe there are untested bugs that don't show up until the app is on a server.

Maybe your OS just got an upgrade and the code no longer compiles.

What you really want is a repeatable, automatic pipeline that takes your code, merges it with everyone else's, runs some tests, deploys it to a test server, runs some more testing and validation, then automatically promotes it to production once you know it works.

Yeah, that sentence was long and scary, but it's honestly not hard. Donovan builds 4 of these pipelines in an hour on stage. All in different languages. From different operating systems. Even I've done it a bunch of times - you can build these things in a few minutes.

But if you're really attached to right-clicking, you can still do that. Just install the Continuous Delivery Tools for Visual Studio and now you can right-click Configure Continuous Delivery! Much better.

As Donovan frequently says, "you play how you practice". If you don't bother doing things properly for small apps (that sometimes grow into big ones), then you're less likely to do it for "real" projects.

When I worked in consulting, it became standard practice to build a pipeline all the way to production on day 1 of a project (yes, that's all the time it took). Sure, at that point you're only deploying "Hello World", but it makes every subsequent change so much easier to deploy safely. And if the process needs adjusting, you're only tweaking a pipeline rather than debating whether to build one from scratch.

Think about how long it takes to merge, compile, run tests, deploy to test, then deploy to production. If you're committing and deploying to (at least) test servers regularly, you'll get that time back really quickly.

I've been watching tutorial videos that constantly show the trainer right-clicking in the model space to select from a set of quick-select functions, but I am not able to get this to work. I went into the configuration editor and looked up the right-click option setting and it's set to on, which enables me to right-click items in the model tree but not the background area of the modeling space, in order to quick select options. Is there some sort of setting that I need to turn on other than the right_mouse_button_popup option?

The right mouse click is also used to cycle through selections....say you wanted to pick something a few layers deep in an assembly, you can right click to cycle through your selections until it highlights what you want. Then you left click select it and hold right click to pull up the menu. Once an object is selected you can also right click to select entities within the selected item and so on. Object slection is further expanded on by adding CTL, SHIFT, etc. combinations.

Is there some configuration setting that might cause the right click menu to not work properly? For example no menu appears when I right click on a metric or a dimension in a freeform table and I am trying to understand what could be the cause. The menu appears when I right click on other elements on the workspace environment (such as the panels, the visualisations or the components at the left sidebar.

We've had the same problem and were able to figure out the cause.

If you go to "Components" > "Preferences" > the tab "Projects & Analyses", then there is a checkbox "Make date range components relative to panel calendar by default".

So to fix this issue for existing panels: disable this setting, and then rebuild the panels where this issue occurs. You can not "duplicate panel" because the new panel will have the same issue. You can create a new panel and then "copy visualization" from the broken panel to the new panel.

@Jennifer_Dungan For recreation purposes: Enable the setting described above, and create a new panel in a workspace. Then add a metric as a column, and you should find that you are not able to right click the metric. You will also notice an error in the developer tools' console window when you click it.

Just for reference, I have been using Chrome 103 on macOS. Although I did not try on another browser - I did reboot by computer a couple of times and cleared my cookies, but that did not fix the issue at the time (I was facing it all day yesterday) so I don't know how it was fixed in the end. Maybe it just needed to sleep on it 152ee80cbc

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