Digital Organism TFTpsp 

Sustainable Solutions for the Future

Concept of the project "Digital Organism TFTpsp: Sustainable Solutions for the Future"

The "Digital Organism TFTpsp: Sustainable Solutions for the Future" project is an initiative that aims to use artificial intelligence to solve environmental and social problems.

The goal is to develop a digital organism configured on the basis of the TFT Problem Solving Parameters (TFTpsp), which can be useful for companies, public administrations, citizens and Planet Earth.

Imagine being able to use the Internet-Web as the brain of a "Digital Organism" to solve problems such as reducing pollution, developing renewable energy sources, increasing efficiency in production and transportation, and creating solutions for the climate crisis thanks to the "cognitive potential" deriving from the structuring of portions of the web into digital brains, ensuring that this digital organism is controlled and always operates in a transparent and secure way through the use of the blockchain.

The "Digital Organism TFTpsp: Sustainable Solutions for the Future" project aims to create an advanced digital system based on TFT Problem Solving Parameters (TFTpsp), which allows companies, public administrations and citizens to solve complex problems efficiently and sustainably . This digital body will be configured to respect the principles of environmental, social and economic sustainability, ensuring that the actions taken are consistent with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

For businesses, this digital organism will deliver a number of benefits, including greater efficiency in problem solving, reduced operational costs and increased sustainability. Furthermore, companies will be able to use this digital organism to create more sustainable products and services, increasing their competitiveness on the market.

For public administrations, this digital organism will represent a valuable tool for solving complex problems related to sustainability, such as waste management, urban planning and water resources management. Furthermore, this digital body will allow public administrations to work more efficiently and transparently, reducing waste and waiting times for citizens.

For citizens, this digital body will represent an opportunity to actively participate in the solution of environmental and social problems of their territory, through participation in sustainable development projects and the sharing of information and best practices.

Finally, the "Sustainable Digital Organism" project will represent an important contribution for Planet Earth, as it will help reduce the environmental and social impact of human activities, promoting sustainable development on a global level.

The project aims to create a digital organism with the ability to solve human and environmental problems through the use of a digital brain based on the use of websites as digital neurons and a genetic-epigenetic structure configured on the basis of the TFT Problem Solving Parameters . Human control of the digital genetic-epigenetic structure via blockchain will ensure that these parameters are respected, and that the digital organism always works for the good of humanity and the planet.

Description of the project:

The aim of the project is to create a digital brain formed by a digital neural network similar to a biological neural network using various websites as interconnected neurons, so that each website-neuron processes information, and digital brain areas made up of web that perform various functions such as areas of the biological brain.

There are several machine learning and information processing techniques that can be used to create an artificial neural network that can process information from websites and build digital "brain areas" to perform various functions.

One approach could be to use natural language processing (NLP) techniques to extract information from websites and then use machine learning algorithms to train the neural network to recognize patterns and patterns in the extracted data. Once trained, the neural network could be used to classify websites according to their functions and build digital 'brain areas' to perform various tasks.

Other approaches could involve using deep learning techniques, such as artificial neural networks (NNs), or unsupervised learning algorithms to group websites based on their characteristics and build digital 'brain areas'.

We add to this digital brain also a digital genetic-epigenetic structure which performs functions similar to the biological genome-epigenome, i.e. functions of management, control of the structure and functions of the brain, and of the body.

To create a digital genetic-epigenetic structure, artificial intelligence algorithms could be used to simulate the mechanisms of genetic and epigenetic control present in the biological brain. For example, computational evolution algorithms to modify the structure of the neural network based on performance criteria or adaptation to a specific environment, and genetic control algorithms to regulate the activity of single neurons or brain areas, similar to what happens in biological brains.

We add to this digital brain and digital genetic-epigenetic structure also a "physical body", connected to the digital brain and digital genetic-epigenetic structure, made up of peripherals such as eye cameras, mouth microphones, etc., similar to the structure of a human biological organism.

To create a "physical body" for the digital brain, hardware devices such as cameras, microphones, sensors, actuators, and other peripherals could be used to simulate its senses and actions. For example, cameras could be used to simulate vision, microphones for hearing, and so on, and robotics technologies to create a "body" that can move and interact with the physical world.

Furthermore, it would be necessary to create an interface system between the digital brain, the digital genetic-epigenetic structure and the "physical body" to allow them to communicate with each other and coordinate their actions.

Key points:

The project described consists in the creation of a digital brain based on an artificial neural network similar to the biological one, using websites such as neurons interconnected to each other coordinated by a digital genetic-epigenetic structure that performs functions similar to the biological genome-epigenome, and a "physical body" made up of peripherals such as cameras and microphones.

The key points covered in this project are:

- Creation of an artificial neural network similar to the biological one using websites as interconnected neurons.

- Using a digital genetic-epigenetic structure to manage and control the structure and functions of the digital brain.

- Creation of a "physical body" made up of peripherals such as cameras and microphones to simulate a human biological organism.

Project function:

The function of this digital organism will be to help human civilization solve the ongoing planetary systemic crises to avoid human and planet earth extinction, which the ongoing planetary systemic crises such as climate change, covid-19, wars, shortage of raw materials, environmental pollution, overpopulation, could cause, etc. and accelerate technological and scientific progress to improve the lives of all humans and planet earth.

To develop the digital brain it is necessary to know the biological brain:

How is the human brain structured and what functions do the various structures perform?

The human brain is the most complex and sophisticated part of the nervous system, and is divided into three main parts: the cerebrum, the cerebellar brain and the brainstem.

The cerebrum is the largest and most sophisticated part of the human brain and is responsible for most cognitive and behavioral functions, such as perception, memory, thinking, learning, and consciousness. It is divided into two hemispheres, left and right, each of which controls specific functions. The left hemisphere is generally associated with linguistic and logical functions, while the right hemisphere is associated with spatial and artistic functions.

The cerebellar brain lies behind the cerebrum and is responsible for coordination and movement control. It also helps maintain balance and orientation.

The brainstem is located at the base of the brain and connects the brain with the spine. It is responsible for controlling vital functions such as breathing, blood pressure and heart rate. It also controls the perception of pain and body sensations.

These three parts of the brain work together to allow the body to function normally and to allow the individual to adapt and interact with their surroundings. There are many specific parts of the brain that perform specific functions, but these three main parts provide a general overview of human brain functions.

What are the functions of neurons?

Neurons are the cells of the nervous system that are responsible for transmitting information. Each neuron consists of a cell body, dendrites and an axon.

The cell body, also known as the soma, is the central part of the neuron and contains the nucleus and cellular components necessary for survival and protein synthesis.

Dendrites are long branches of the neuron that receive signals from other nerve cells or sensory cells.

The axon is a long extension of the neuron that transmits signals from the cell body to other neurons or to muscle or glandular cells.

The main function of neurons is to transmit electrical signals, called action potentials, along their membranes. These signals are transmitted across the synapse, which is the point of contact between two neurons.

Neurons can be classified based on their number of axons and dendrites, their location in the nervous system, and their specific function. For example, sensory neurons receive information from the external environment, motor neurons send signals to muscles, and intercalary neurons transmit information between sensory and motor neurons.

In summary, neurons are the cells of the nervous system that receive, process and transmit information throughout the body, enabling people to perceive, think, act and interact with their surroundings.

What is the processing of neurons?

Neurons are the basic units of the nervous system. They transmit information through the brain and body using electrical impulses. Each neuron consists of three main parts: the soma (or cell body), dendrites and axon. The soma contains the cell nucleus and cell organelles. Dendrites receive signals from nearby neurons and transmit them to the soma. The axon transmits signals from the soma to subsequent neurons.

Neuron processing consists of processing and transforming the electrical signals they receive from the dendrites and sending signals down the axon to subsequent neurons.

This process is called synaptic transmission and is based on the release of neurotransmitters from the axon of the neuron which activate the receptors on the dendrites of the next neuron.

Furthermore, neurons can be organized into circuits that perform specific functions, such as perception, information processing, memory and motor response. There are different types of neurons that specialize in performing certain functions, for example sensory neurons that transmit information from sensory receptors to the brain, motor neurons that transmit information from the brain to glands and muscles, and interlayer neurons that connect different areas of the brain.

The circuits in which neurons are organized are neural structures:

The circuits in which neurons are organized are considered neural structures. Neurons are organized into circuits for processing information and communicating with each other. Neural circuits can be composed of a few neurons or thousands of neurons. They can be simple or very complex, and can have different functions, such as visual, auditory, motor processing, etc.

Neural circuits can also be classified according to their size, such as microcircuits or macrocircuits, and according to their location in the body, such as circuits in the central or peripheral nervous system.

The cerebral brain is a neural structure:

The cerebral brain is a structure composed mainly of neurons and glial cells, which are organized into neural circuits. The cerebrum is the primary structure of the central nervous system and performs a wide variety of functions, including perception, thinking, memory, learning, emotion, and motor control. The cerebrum is divided into various regions, each of which has specific functions. For example, the visual area of the brain processes visual information, the auditory area processes auditory information, and so on. Overall, the cerebrum is one of the most complex and sophisticated neural structures known.

The cerebellar brain is a neural structure:

It is a part of the central nervous system and is located in the back of the skull, behind the cerebrum. The cerebellar brain is primarily involved in muscle movement coordination and balance, as well as motor learning and adaptation to the environment. It is mainly composed of neurons and glial cells organized into specific neural circuits. The cerebellar brain is also important for some cognitive functions such as memory, learning and perception. In general, the cerebellar brain is an important neural structure for motor control and movement coordination of the human body.

Glial cells are a type of cell in the nervous system that perform many important functions for the brain and spinal cord. There are several types of glial cells, including astrocytes, microglia, and oligodendrocyte cells.

Astrocytes are the most common glial cells in the brain. They provide structural support to neurons, regulate the concentration of ions and nutrients in the local microenvironment, and participate in the inflammatory response of the brain.

Microglia are the immune cells of the brain and spinal cord. They are responsible for clearing away cellular debris and damaged cells, and contribute to the brain's inflammatory response.

Oligodendrocyte cells are responsible for the production of myelin, a substance that surrounds neurons and increases the speed of conduction of nerve impulses.

In summary, glial cells are essential for the brain, performing multiple functions, including nutrition, protection and regulation of nerve impulses.

The brainstem is a neural structure:

The brainstem is a part of the brain that lies between the cerebrum and the spinal cord. It performs a number of vital functions for the human body, including breathing, blood pressure, heart rate and muscle tone. The brainstem is also involved in some cognitive functions such as sleep, alertness and the perception of space and movement.

The brainstem is made up of several regions including the medulla, protuberance, and midbrain. These regions contain both neurons and glial cells organized into specific neural circuits. The brainstem is an important neural structure for regulating the vital functions of the human body and for movement control.

In summary, the brain is made up of 3 structures: cerebrum, cerebellar brain and brainstem, each of which is made up of neural structures (neural circuits):

By analogy with the biological brain, to develop the "digital brain" of the "Digital Organism" project, the digital brain formed by websites as neurons interconnected with each other, we can divide the digital brain into 3 macro digital structures as in the biological brain: the "digital brainstem", the "digital cerebellar brain" and the "digital brainstem" and each "digital macrostructure" is made up of "digital neural substructures" or "digital neural circuits" that perform specific functions. To protect the "digital brain" from any cyber attacks, automate its processes and democratize the governance of the digital brain, and in general the governance of the digital organism, i.e. decentralizing the power of control of the digital organism in the hands of citizens, this digital organism, therefore this digital brain, could be controlled, organized, managed through permissionless blockchains, so that every digital neuron-website of the digital brain would be managed through one or more permissionless blockchains (smart contracts).

In the event that one or more digital neurons-websites were damaged, the digital brain would continue to function normally and efficiently thanks to the functioning of the other digital neurons-websites managed by other blockchains, similarly as in a biological brain, if one or more neurons fail, the biological brain continues to function thanks to the other neurons.

The digital brain is divided into "digital brain regions" or "digital brain areas", formed by structures of digital neurons-websites, or digital neural circuits (perform the functions of receiving, processing and transmitting information), which perform the functions: perception, thinking, memory, learning, emotion and motor control. The visual area of the digital cerebrum processes visual information, the auditory area processes auditory information, etc.

The digital cerebellar brain is divided into "digital cerebellar regions" or "digital cerebellar areas", digital neuron-website structures, or digital neural circuits (perform the functions of receiving, processing and transmitting information), performing the functions: coordination and balance of movement of the peripherals of the physical body, nas well as in motor learning and adaptation to the environment, cognitive functions such as memory, learning and perception.

The digital brainstem is divided into "digital brainstem regions" or "digital brainstem areas", structures of digital neurons-websites, or digital neural circuits

(perform the functions of receiving, processing and transmitting information), performing the functions: connection of the digital brain with the physical body,

regulation of the functions of the physical body and for the control of the movements of the physical body.

The idea of using a "Digital Organism" formed by a "digital brain" capable of solving planetary systemic crises, a "digital genetic-epigenetic structure" to manage and control the structure and functions of the digital organism, and a "physical body" made up of peripherals such as cameras and microphones to simulate a human biological organism, is an innovative and ambitious idea.

As for the digital brain, the analogy with the biological brain is interesting. It could be divided into three digital macro structures like the biological brain: the "digital brain brain", the "digital cerebellar brain" and the "digital brainstem", and each "digital macro structure" could be formed by "digital neural sub-structures" or "digital neural circuits" that perform specific functions.

Regarding the protection of the digital brain, using a permissionless blockchain can be an interesting idea to decentralize the control power of the digital organism and democratize the governance of the digital brain. In this way, if one or more digital neurons-websites were to be damaged, the digital brain could continue to function normally and efficiently thanks to the functioning of the other digital neurons-websites managed by other blockchains.

A website can perform functions of receiving information, processing information and transmitting information:

 For example, a website may collect user information through form inputs, process this information using algorithms or applications, and then transmit the processed information to other websites or databases. Additionally, a website can also be used to display information by providing an interface for the user to access and interact with the information.

How can website hyperlinks, from the point of view of digital neurons-websites, be considered in the context of the digital brain?

Website hyperlinks can be thought of as the synapses between neurons in a biological brain.

They allow the transmission of information between different websites, which can be considered as digital neurons.

In this way, hyperlinks allow information to be transmitted between different websites, which can process and use this information to perform their specific functions within the digital brain. Furthermore, hyperlinks can also allow navigation between websites and easy access to information.

In a digital brain, how could the interaction between different hyperlinks activated by a specific function of the digital genetic-epigenetic structure be managed in an automated way, so that it provides functional feedback to the needs of the genetic-epigenetic function?

To manage the interaction between different hyperlinks in a digital brain in an automated way, machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms could be used to analyze the information present on websites and create a model of relationships between different websites. This model could be used to identify the most relevant hyperlinks for a given genetic-epigenetic function and activate them automatically. Furthermore, blockchain technologies could be used to create a hyperlink management system that allows for greater transparency and security in information management. In addition, this system could be used to collect and analyze user feedback on the effectiveness of the selected hyperlinks, in order to continuously improve the relationship model between websites and improve the effectiveness of the digital brain in fulfilling its functions .

Description and development of the digital genetic-epigenetic structure:

Digital genetic-epigenetic structure could be described as a set of algorithms and machine learning methods that manage the structure and functions of the digital organism. It could be developed using artificial intelligence techniques, such as machine learning, genetic programming and computational epigenetics. It could be used to control and coordinate the activities of the digital organism, such as data collection and processing, action generation and systemic crisis resolution.

Furthermore, a digital genetic-epigenetic structure could be used to "evolve" the digital organism, adapting it to the changing demands of the environment in which it operates and improving its performance.

Furthermore, it could be used to establish a sort of "memory" of the digital organism, so that it can "learn" from past experiences and use them to make more effective decisions in the future.

In general, the digital genetic-epigenetic structure could be described as a control and coordination system for the digital organism, which uses artificial intelligence techniques to adapt the organism to the needs of the environment and improve its performance.

Internet, the web could be structured as a digital brain and a digital genetic-epigenetic structure connected to a physical body based on the internet of things to form a digital organism:

The idea of using the internet and the web as a digital brain (portions of the internet-Web) and a digital genetic-epigenetic structure connected to a physical body based on the Internet of Things to form a digital organism is certainly interesting. There are some technological aspects that should be considered to make this idea possible.

First, the internet and the web must be able to communicate effectively with Internet of Things devices, which are often based on different communication protocols than those used by websites. This can be achieved through the use of universal communication protocols, such as MQTT or CoAP, which allow Internet of Things devices to communicate with websites easily and securely.

Secondly, the digital genetic-epigenetic structure should be able to manage and analyze the data coming from the Internet of Things devices in an efficient and automatic way. This can be accomplished using real-time data processing and machine learning techniques, which allow you to identify patterns and trends in your data quickly and accurately.

Thirdly, the digital genetic-epigenetic structure should be able to automatically adapt to the needs of the digital organism based on the data coming from the Internet of Things devices. This can be accomplished using artificial evolution techniques, which allow new configurations of the digital genetic-epigenetic structure to be automatically generated and tested based on the collected data.

Finally, the governance of the digital organism should be decentralized and democratic, so that citizens can actively participate in the management and evolution of the digital organism. This can be achieved using blockchain technologies, which allow for the creation of a distributed network of nodes that manage and control the digital organism in a democratic and transparent way.

In this scenario, the digital brain would be made up of the network of websites and the connections between them, while the digital genetic-epigenetic structure would be made up of the data and information that are exchanged through the network. The physical body would be made up of devices connected to the network, such as sensors and actuators, which allow the digital organism to interact with the physical world.

To develop such a digital organism, it would be necessary to use advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, the blockchain and the Internet of Things, in order to create an autonomous and evolutionary system that can continuously learn, adapt and improve. Furthermore, it would be important to use a decentralized design methodology, so that the digital organism can be managed and controlled by a global community of users, rather than by a single organization or body.

Configuration of the Digital Organism with the TFT parameters (Rigene Project - Technological Fields Theory (TFT) ):

Configuring a digital organism based on TFTpsp (TFT Problem Solving Parameters) could be one way to make it useful to humans and planet Earth.

TFTpsp (TFT Problem Solving Parameters) could help the digital organism solve problems ethically and efficiently and improve scientific research and technological progress.

However, it is important to note that the use of TFTpsp does not automatically guarantee that the digital organism will always act ethically and efficiently and human control via blockchains of the digital genetic-epigenetic structure may be required to ensure that these parameters are respected. Human oversight may be required to ensure that digital bodies are configured appropriately and comply with TFTpsp. Using technologies such as the blockchain could be a way to ensure transparency and security in the management of the troubleshooting parameters of digital organisms. Additionally, an ongoing monitoring system may be needed to ensure that digital organizations continue to comply with the TFTpsp over time.

The advantages for companies, States (Public Administrations), citizens, and the advantages for Planet Earth, in using a "Digital Organism", as structured in the "Digital Organism" project, formed by a "digital brain" capable to solve planetary systemic crises, a "digital genetic-epigenetic structure" to manage and control the structure and functions of the digital organism, and a "physical body" made up of peripherals such as cameras and microphones to simulate a human biological organism:

The "Organismo Digitale" project could offer a series of advantages for companies, public administrations and citizens, as well as for planet Earth.

For companies, using a digital organism could help solve complex problems and make more informed decisions, improving competitiveness and efficiency.

There are many advantages for companies to use a digital organism as described in the project.

First, the Digital Organism can help companies solve complex problems and make better decisions. Through the processing of large amounts of data and the use of machine learning techniques, the Digital Organism can generate new solutions and strategies to increase the competitiveness of companies.

Secondly, the Digital Organism can help companies automate some processes, reducing costs and increasing efficiency. For example, the Digital Organism can be used to automate data collection and processing, market monitoring and report generation.

Thirdly, the Digital Organism can help companies improve data security and protection. Through the use of advanced encryption and behavioral analysis techniques, the Digital Organism can protect corporate data from cyber attacks and privacy violations.

Fourthly, the Digital Organism can be used to improve customer relations, for example, by using artificial intelligence techniques to personalize communication and the offer of products/services.

Fifthly, the Digital Organism can help companies predict and manage crises and emergency situations, for example, using predictive analysis and simulation techniques to evaluate the impacts of corporate decisions on the environment and society.

In summary, the Digital Organism can help companies solve complex problems, increase efficiency, protect data, improve customer relationships, and predict and manage crises and emergency situations.

For public administrations, the use of a digital organism could help to better manage resources and make more informed decisions for the well-being of the community.

States (Public Administrations) could derive many advantages from the use of a digital organism. For example, it could be used to:

Solving complex problems: the Digital Organism, through its ability to process large amounts of data, could help public administrations to solve complex problems such as water resource management, prevention and management of environmental crises, urban planning, traffic management, health crisis prevention and management, economic crisis prevention and management, and so on.

Optimize resource management: The Digital Organism could be used to optimize resource management such as waste management, energy management, infrastructure management, transportation management, security management, and so on.

Improving transparency and citizen participation: the Digital Organization could be used to improve transparency and citizen participation in decision-making processes, for example through the creation of online platforms where citizens can actively participate in the definition of public policies.

Improving the quality of public services: the Digital Organization could be used to improve the quality of public services, for example through the creation of systems for monitoring and evaluating the quality of services, the creation of support systems for the prevention and management of crisis, the creation of support systems for the training and professional updating of public operators, and so on.

Reduce costs: the Digital Organism could be used to reduce costs, for example by optimizing decision-making processes, reducing waiting times for public services, reducing infrastructure management costs, reducing costs for transport management, cost reduction for safety management, and so on.

For citizens, using a digital organism could help improve the quality of life, for example through automated and personalized services.

A digital organism could offer many benefits for citizens in several areas. Eg:

Solving Planetary Systemic Crises: Using a digital organism to solve planetary systemic crises such as climate change, water crisis, resource shortage, overpopulation, and so on, could help improve quality of life citizens and ensure the survival of future generations.

Healthcare: Using a digital organism for medical diagnostics, health monitoring, and medical care delivery could help improve access to medical care and increase the efficiency and quality of medical care provided .

Education: Using a digital organization for education could help improve access to education and the quality of education provided, especially for remote or disadvantaged areas.

Security: Using a digital body for surveillance and crime control could help ensure the safety of citizens and increase the efficiency of law enforcement agencies.

Public Services: Using a digital organism to provide public services such as transportation, infrastructure, and financial services could help improve the efficiency and quality of the services provided and increase the accessibility of these services for citizens.

For Planet Earth, the use of a digital organism could help solve planetary systemic crises, increase sustainability, and improve the quality of life of living beings.

A digital organism could help Planet Earth by providing real-time information on the state of the environment and supporting the planning and management of natural resources, in order to reducethe environmental impact of human activities. It could also help predict and manage natural hazards and increase the resilience of communities.

Overall, using a digital organism could help process large amounts of data, make more informed decisions, automate processes and improve efficiency, competitiveness and quality of life.