Rieus Games

Privacy Policy

Last updated May 21, 2021

RIEUS GAMES Privacy Policy

At RIEUS GAMES (RIEUS” or "we" / “our”) data protection and confidentiality is a high priority.

This Privacy Policy explains how personal information about you is collected, shared and used by RIEUS and how you can exercise your privacy rights. This Privacy Policy applies to personal information that we collect when you use our mobile game applications, forums, websites and other online products and services (collectively, the “Services”) or when you otherwise interact with us.



We collect information you provide voluntarily to us, such as when you participate in a contest and promotion, communicate with us via third party social media sites, request customer support, send us an email or otherwise interact with us. The types of information we may collect about you include your name, social networking screen names or IDs, email address and any other information you choose to provide.


When you access or use our Services, we automatically collect certain information from you and/or your device (which may be considered personal information under applicable data protection laws). We collect this information with your either your explicit consent in accordance with GDPR article 6(1)(a) or as part of our legitimate interest in accordance with GDPR article 6 (1)(f)., including:


We may feature advertising in our Services via showing third party advertisements in our Services, as well as advertise our own Services via third parties.

RIUES may disclose your personal information to advertising networks for the purpose of their direct marketing. Thus, we may send your advertising ID and IP address to ad networks to enable our partners to serve appropriate ads in accordance with GDPR article 6(1)(f). "Advertising ID" means the Apple Identifier for Advertisers (“IDFA”) on Apple, and Google Advertising Identity (“GAID”). These are unique identifiers for mobile devices that RIEUS and our advertising network partners use for interest-based advertising (targeted). They are consistent across all apps and thus allow cross-app tracking. These identifiers are used by ad networks for a number of purposes, in addition to targeted advertisement, thus we encourage you to check the Privacy Policies of our partners. You can find a list of RIEUS’s existing advertising networks partners and other third-party service providers by clicking here. These advertising networks may be located in countries outside EU/EEA that have less restrictive data protection legislation. For such advertising networks in countries outside EU/EEA, the legal basis for the transfer is always in accordance with one of the lawful instruments set forth I GDPR article 44-50. You can opt out of all third-party targeted advertisements, for all apps, using the device-level opt our settings on your device. If you use an Apple device, a guide for opting out can be found here. If you use an Android device, navigate to the Google Settings page, select Ads and then choose to reset your Android Ad ID or opt-out of targeted ads.

We may allow third parties to provide analytics services in connection with our Services. These entities may use cookies, web beacons and other tracing technologies to collect information about your use of our Services, including your IP address, MAC address, device identifiers, software and hardware information, browser information, time zone and usage information. This information may be used by RIEUS and others to, among other things, analyse and track data, determine the popularity of certain content, deliver advertising and content targeted to your interests and better understand your activity on our Services.

Third-party ad serving and analytics technologies are integrated into our Services, so if you do not want to be subject to these technologies, do not use or access our Services.

Our Services may also integrate third party Application Program Interfaces (APIs) and/or SDK’s, which allow others to collect and process information about you, including but not limited to your geo-location information, to provide you with targeted advertisements, offers and other content. You always have the ability to control the collection and use of your geo-location information . You may disable location-based services at any time by adjusting the settings of your mobile device.

Adnetworks may use information about you, such as your advertising ID, to identify users who are likely to have an interest in our services and display advertising to them. They may also use this information to identify whether you are an existing user of our services and exclude you from further advertising of our services.


Our Services may offer social sharing features and other integrated tools (such as the Facebook “Like” button), which let you share actions you take on our Services with other media, and vice versa. The use of such features enables the sharing of information with your friends or the public, depending on the settings you establish with the entity that provides the social sharing feature and information about your game status and progress, etc. may be showed on these media. For more information about the purpose and scope of data collection and processing in connection with social sharing features, please visit the privacy policies of the entities that provide these features.

Our Services may offer social sharing features and other integrated tools (such as the Facebook “Like” button), which let you share actions you take on our Services with other media, and vice versa. The use of such features enables the sharing of information with your friends or the public, depending on the settings you establish with the entity that provides the social sharing feature and information about your game status and progress, etc. may be showed on these media. For more information about the purpose and scope of data collection and processing in connection with social sharing features, please visit the privacy policies of the entities that provide these features.

If you use Facebook Login for authentication, Facebook may use your personal information for their own purposes. In this situation please refer to Facebook’s privacy- and other relevant policies here.


We may use information about you for various purposes, including to:

However, we do not request or intend to collect any “special categories information” such as information on health, race, religion, political opinions, sexual preferences or orientation. Be cautious when sharing this information about yourselves (or others) in our Services.


We have implemented security measures to ensure that our internal procedures meet our high security policy standards. Accordingly, we strive to protect the quality and integrity of your personal information. This includes encryption of data and use of pseudonymisation, whenever applicable.


You are at any time entitled to be informed and/or access the personal information about you that we process, but with certain legislative exceptions. You have the right to:

We can only verify your identity if you are logged in on one of our Services. You will therefore only be able to exercise your rights if you log in and follow the steps as explained.

If you want us to update, amend or delete the personal information that we have collected about you, wish to get access to the data being processed about you, or if you have any questions concerning to this Privacy Policy, you may contact us by email at contact@rieusgames.com.


We do not use the Application to knowingly solicit data from or market to children under the age of 16. If a parent or guardian becomes aware that his or her child has provided us with information without their consent, he or she should contact us at contact@rieusgames.com.