What is the Most Energy Efficient Type of Roof Insulation for Commercial?

When it comes to finding the most energy-efficient type of roof insulation for commercial buildings, there are two popular options: spray foam insulation and sheet flute insulation.

Both types of insulation can help reduce the cost of energy bills and keep occupants comfortable throughout all four seasons. However, in terms of energy efficiency, spray foam is considered to be the better choice. That’s because it creates an airtight barrier around the building's envelope that prevents thermal leakage while also boosting indoor comfort levels by reducing moisture and mold growth within the walls. Spray foam also has a higher R-value rating than other types of insulation, meaning that it provides superior heat resistance. Additionally, since sprayed foam forms right on site and fills any gaps or cracks effectively with minimal effort required from installers, it can be more economical over time too.

When deciding which type of roofing system you should invest in for your commercial building project, spray foam should certainly be a top consideration due to its superior performance with regards to energy efficiency as well as effectiveness at keeping out moisture, mold and dust particles from entering into work or living spaces within interior walls.