St. Cassion Chamber Choir 

The members of the beloved (if a bit small) St. Cassion Chamber Choir.
Did you know that originally there were other members named Astrid and Hank?

Ocean O'Connell Rosenberg

Astrological Sign: Capricorn

Ocean is the preppy straight-A student of the choir. She is best friends with Constance Blackwood and a pop-influenced cheery star straight from a Schoolhouse Rock video. Born and raised by hippie parents, Ocean felt disconnected from the rest of her family and soon wanted something more than breastmilk cheese sandwiches.

Did you know?
Many former children of hippie communes report being disorganized in life and not emotionally suited to the daily grind of a 9-5 job (is anyone, really?). If you would like to learn more about the life of hippie communes click the button for an anonymous user's tell-all about growing up on The Farm. 

Noel Gruber

Astrological Sign: Pisces

A connoisseur of French new-wave cinema and nihilistic philosophy, Noel Gruber was cut down before the poems could be written and the animalistic sex could be have. In life, in fact, he wasted away working at Taco Bell. He is the sensitive and seductive member of the choir who always butts heads with the optimistic Ocean. All he dreams of is a tragic life and a tragic love with a man that will drive him to drink. 

Did you know? 

The playwright, Jacob Richmond, felt that of all the characters, Noel was the closest to himself. He described himself as a kid who would smoke cigarettes just for the look of it and obsess over the films of Jean-Luc Godard. Both Richmond and the composer Brooke Maxwell did a commentary version of the cast recording. Click the link to watch it! 

Mischa Bachinski

Astrological Sign: Leo

The adoptive son of a Canadian couple, Mischa Bachinski is a rising hip-hop artist straight from the Ukraine. Angry over his reasons for being orphaned, Mischa channeled his anger into his YouTube persona Bad Egg and rapped out his feelings to hide the vulnerable man inside.

Did you know? 

In 2005 Kanye West was quoted saying, "The opposite of hip-hop is gay." For many people, this may solidify the torrid history hip-hop and rap have had regarding issues such as misogyny, homophobia, and reinforcing toxic masculinity. Fortunately, there are many artists, old and new, who have used the genre for good and made leaps and bounds addressing these issues. 

Ricky Potts

Astrological Sign: Gemini

The mute Ricky Potts was forced into the choir by Ocean O'Connell Rosenberg and made to play the tambourine. However, in his mind he lived a very different life. He is kind,  patient,  and accepting to all of those in his life no matter what they've done or the mistakes they have made,  making him a rock to many of his friends (especially in the afterlife). 

Did you know? 

Jacob Richmond stated that the inspiration for Ricky's song came from the 1982 film Cat People, most specifically the song written for the film by none other than David Bowie. Of course, this is one of the more positive facts about this character regarding his sordid past. If you would like to learn more about the #SaveRickyPotts campaign and the issues that disabled actors face please consider watching this interview with Yannick-Robin Eike-Mirko. 

Constance Blackwood

Astrological Sign: Scorpio

The Blackwood family have been in Uranium City since they opened the minds. Coming from a true staple of the community, Constance has been known since she was young as the nicest girl in town. Best friend of Ocean O'Connell Rosenberg, she is cheerful and kind but a complete doormat. However, her bubbly exterior hides the demons she is fighting inside. 

Did you know? 

In an issue for Out magazine, Nick Wolny compared the pros and cons of city living versus smalltown living from a queer lens. While city living allows for safety and privacy within anonymity, a small community allows for more in-depth relationships. While there are often perceptions on both styles of living (urban and rural), it is important to acknowledge the diversity of people that are suited to one or the other and support, not admonish, both large and small communities. 

Jane Doe 

Astrological Sign: ???


Do you share an astrological sign with any of the characters?