As you can read in the Details section of the extension, it does modify the desktop.main.css file, so in order to remove the rickroll you have to run the command Rickroll remove Rick from the command palette. Done that, you should be able to uninstall the extension and reload the window.

Edit:If the problem persists be sure to have fully deleted, in the VSCode_Installation_Folder/Microsoft VS Code/resources/app/out/vs/workbench/workbench.desktop.main.css file, the code between /*ext-vscode-rickroll-start*/ and /*ext-vscode-rickroll-end*/; then, after making sure you've uninstalled the extension, reload the window by the command Developer: Reload Window

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If you only uninstall the extension and the rickroll has already begun, that means the CSS has been modified already, so the background will stay there. because the extension works by editing the CSS of the editor.

But you see, I'm really lazy. So lazy that instead of taking 2 minutes to edit the video, I spent the next half an hour making a python program that takes in a video and returns a rickroll (Basically, it just adds the rickroll to the end of the clip).

I had no idea about Moviepy (the package i'll be using to combine the videos), so it was a great learning experience for me and I already have one more project in which i can use the experience from rickroll generator (for the hackathon ?)

Digital content creator Jared Guynes, best known as the creator of the "Epic Nerf Battles" series of events, teamed up with Fort Worth-based drone display company Sky Elements to put a giant QR code in the night sky over Dallas.Advertisement

vscode-rickroll works by directly editing the "desktop.main.css" file, this warning will appear because vscode notice that the checksum does not match, you could click on (never show again) to avoid it, but this wont remove the "unsupported" tag. Look for a fix checksum to restore it.

On your root folder of your Raspberry Pi, there should be a file named This runs when you plug in the Raspberry Pi. We want it to run our custom Rickroll script, and it is currently incapable of that. To change this go to and click the green Code button, then press Download ZIP. This contains our new script. Unzip it and copy the file. Go back into your Raspberry Pi and delete the file. Paste the file in the same place as the one was in and rename it

Music streaming giant Spotify got in on the fun in 2017, however unintentionally it may have been, with the introduction of Spotify codes. By doing so they blessed us with yet another vessel for the Rick Roll.

Marcin Wielgoszewski introduced me to Jeff Williams of Aspect Security (he also is heavy into OWASP contribution) who passed me an attack against a piece of code that de-morses morse code. Basically, Jeff crafted a morse code version of a cross-site scripting attack that will redirect the victim to a wonderful Rickroll. As the application de-morses the message, it of course get's rendered as HTML... geez.

How can I improve this code? This is my second or third project with Arduino and I pretty much made it in 15 minutes and looking at it now, some parts feels like dirty code (especially the part where I switch reset the SSID counter), how can I improve this?

While the message in stone has been long-lived, the city guide app was fairly fleeting. Since sometime in 2019, the stone QR code has been instead redirecting people to an internet prank. City Hall is either unaware of the issue or does not have the will to file all the Kafkaesque paperwork required to change the sidewalk in the protected monument zone.

The challenge (The other day) I met a bear is a kolmogorov complexity question about the text of a song. As can be seen by looking at its edit history, it has been closed three times as a duplicate of We're no strangers to code golf, you know the rules, and so do I . It's been reopened three times. It's on its way to being closed a fourth time.

There are really 2 practical ways to compress this: have a list of all distinct lines and output them in the above format, or using a builtin compression algorithm. IMHO, it's very likely to end up with the last format being shorter. That's why I voted to close as a dupe of the rickroll challenge the first time.

The problem I have with song challenges is that they require very little effort to write, just a copy and paste job: Are those the type of questions that we want on PPCG, cluttering the HNQ?

We did some more brainstorming, and decided that the best way to acquire a large user base we could proceed to rickroll would be some sort of video streaming thing. We almost called it RickPlex, but we thought that might be too obvious, so we stuck with Plex, and started coding right away. e24fc04721

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