About Rick Oscher

Rick Oscher's career is a compelling narrative of achievement and altruism, embodying significant success in finance, entrepreneurship, and devoted advocacy for animal rights. His journey, deeply rooted in the vibrant streets of New York City, showcases his evolution from a skilled trader to a resourceful entrepreneur and a passionate supporter of animal welfare organizations.

Proficiency in Trading and Business Management

He began his finance career at 21, starting as a New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) specialist. His ascent in finance was marked by his advancement to a managing member in one of the NYSE's leading market-making firms, highlighting his profound grasp of financial markets and keen business acumen.

His entrepreneurial spirit extended beyond the stock exchange. He harnessed his leadership and management expertise to launch and oversee a series of successful bars and lounges in New York. Over 15 years, he was the strategic mind behind popular establishments such as Venue, Cream, Go, and Bourbon St, demonstrating his innovative approach in the hospitality industry.

Hobbies: Fitness and Animal Welfare

Apart from his business ventures, he is deeply passionate about fitness and animal welfare. His commitment to a healthy lifestyle is manifested in his rigorous exercise regime and disciplined nutrition, contributing significantly to his improved physical appearance and overall health.

His affection for animals, nurtured since his days participating in dog shows, blossomed into active involvement in animal welfare. He is mainly engaged with The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), dedicating his time and resources to aid animals in distress, a testament to his compassionate nature.

Charitable Activities and Animal Advocacy

His love for animals transcends personal interest, inspiring his participation in numerous charitable initiatives. He is a staunch supporter of organizations like The ASPCA and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), leveraging his resources to contribute to animal welfare. This involvement emphasizes his commitment to making a substantial difference in the lives of animals.

He views his philanthropy not merely as an act of charity but as a personal mission. His deep-seated love for animals motivates him to initiate and engage in actions that have a meaningful impact. His compassionate endeavors inspire many, exemplifying that true success is measured in professional milestones and the positive impact one can make on the world.

From Rick Oscher's initial days on the NYSE floor to leading numerous entrepreneurial projects and ardently advocating for animal rights, his life story is a testament to a multifaceted journey of professional success and heartfelt dedication to important causes.