Deliberations on death
Awareness of our own mortality or death is the central issue in human existence. So much human activity from biological reproduction, to falling in love, to human sexuality, to seeking and doing meaningful work, to creation in all art forms (visual art, music, dance, creative writing, others), to engaging in athletics, to religious and spiritual activities is driven by our awareness of death.
Yet, despite the centrality of this issue, discussions of death throughout our lives is generally avoided, still greatly feared and in our “can do” US culture almost a taboo.
Yet, in recent years, this taboo is beginning to break down. The aging of 40 million baby boomers, the hospice movement, recognition of the limits of science and the excesses of materialism are a few factors that are stimulating more discussions on death and dying.
The theoretical basis for my presentation is that the US culture is maturing around this particular issue.
While it seems paradoxical at first many scholars believe that the only path to the fully engaged, abundant and vibrant life is to internally and externally dialogue on the subject of death- especially one’s own. This is a lifelong process but is neither moribund nor obsessional.
We hear anecdotes often about how those facing death under go remarkable personal transformations where every life moment is cherished as a gift to be lived to the fullest. Some survivors of death live much different lives following the near death experience.
But — here’s some good news- while it may help, you don’t have to almost die to become transformed.
This presentation will engage an intimate audience in a serious and sometimes humorous dialogue on death. It will draw heavily on the arts, especially poetry, and other “ars moriendi” to help each of us begin to achieve the full life through death awareness and dialogue.
I promise you —you will never view death or life quite the same