>> : Good morning. Let me pray for us. Father in heaven, I thank you for this morning, I thank you for the city, I thank you just for your goodness and your protection, and for the men and the women that you place in the position to lead our city during this time. I pray for them in two specific areas this morning, the first being wisdom, holy spirit, will you give them wisdom as they tackle just the tough decisions that our city is going through with finances and education and the future and traffic and business and diversity. There's just a great weight to those decisions. So would youive them wisdom. Would you give them wisdom that's beyond their education, that's beyond their books or their meetings, that it is a super natural wisdom that comes completely from you. And that would you show them that in the quietness of their hearts when they lay their heads on their pillow at night that it would be so evident that the wisdom is from you that it would humble them, and that it would draw them close to you. I also pray foreign

-- for endurance, which is such a weighty responsibility. There's scrutiny, there is criticism, they get to call the shots and they take the shots. And so it's likely that there is fatigue and maybe appe think,

-- apathy, so holy spirit, would you refresh them, would you remind them of why t pursued this position. Would you remind them that they are not in this role because they have maneuvered or manipulated the circumstances, but they have been devinely placed there by you. And so as they are fatigued and tired, holy spirit, would you remind them of the words of jesus when he says, come to me all who are weary, and I will give you rest. It is a rest that is not momentariry, but it is a rest that is internal and completely accomplished through jesus' work on the cross. Would you lead us all to rest and trust in him. We thank you. We thank you for the city, this in jesus' name, amen.


>> Mayor leffingwell: Thank you. Paul hillgers.

>> What she said. [Laughter]

>> mayor leffingwell: All right. Paul hilgers is yielding back his time. David dickson. David dickson. John erly. John erly. Don't see him? Dominique erly. Next speaker, stan pimpkin. Okay. You have 3 minutes.

>> David dickson is here. He was

-- he was just outside, if that's ...

>> Mayor leffingwell: You have three minutes.

>> Okay. I am stan pimpkin. I appreciate y'all's consideration of this topic. I come to you tonight as a long time austin resident and as an

-- and owner of an energy company here. I have been working in close collaboration for austin energy for about a half a dozen years so I am well is versed with some of the staff there. I would like to just give a couple of points, some brief histories. One of them happened tonight at the

-- the recess. There was a point made that I thought was poignant but passed over pretty quickly and the young lady who sang spoke about her appreciation of this council, in particular, the direct connection to the artistic community and I take that the general community. To me that was very well said. For the other point I would like to make, which takes us back to 1962, the public cation of sylid spring, there was a mention of austin, town lake. At that time there was a cording spill in the lake. It kind of went historically just got washed down the river, but I think 50 years hence, we have after great gnashing of this teeth in this city, across the nation throughout a messy, tricky public process that is not well scripted but there is great wisdom in how that worked out. We benefit from that in having an extremely livable city, the lake of which is the heart of that. The other point there is that that's the commons. It is not just the environmental issue. It is something that affects us all. It is hard to pinpoint who is real approximately at fault or at stake. I submit that we are at a moment now that energy is our new commons, and this is forecasted by anyone you talk to that's looking at it. It's a messy, tricky process. No simple solutions. No easy button. And we have a benefit here of at least having access to a utility that we owned and I think what's at stake now is not that we are moving backwards and diluting our lines of accountability but reinforcing them. I think we need to muster as much political will, courage, and ability to wade through what is going to be a blesscy process. Ercot

-- a messy process. Ercot is telling us to expect blackouts. If we don't have electricity to play the music, I think that's an issue. I think we are going to see quite an upster that's well beyond what we are talking about her so I submit to you tha we

-- others have said it well in concrete recommendations but ultimately take time to get these right. I don't see urgency. Political wrangling aside, this is something that i think is

-- our legacy is at stake. Your legacy, this time period, if we don't get the details right, if we don't engage, I think our biggest enemy is apathy.


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[Buzzer alarming] and that concludes my testimony.

>> Mayor leffingwell: Thank you, carol. Council member spelman.

>> Spelman: Carol, did you look

-- did you do this yourself or did you take the information off of what was given to us?

>> No, I did it myself.

>> Spelman: Can you do me a favor, carol, the two utilities in texas that used to be governed

-- I am using the word "governed by city council" extremely loosely because they were in the exactly same position as we were in where the governance was partly city council and partly city)manager but they were the same position we were in in 22000 and then brines and lubbock adopted the same kind we were doing here. I wonder if you can look at bryan and lucks.

>> Yes,

-- bryan and lubbock.

>> Yes, I can do that.

>> Spelman: Thank you, ma'am.

>> Okay.

>> Lauren, ross.

>> Good evening, mayor, council members. I am here tonight for the third time to ask once again that you please maintain public elected official control of the austin utility. The austin utility is our single biggest asset, and as we all know, the assets are what determine the kind of future that austin is going to have. The decision that you are makionight is undoubtedly the biggest decision that you will make in your council member service and it's probably the biggest decision that's been made by any council during our lifetimes. This is the very, very important decision. And, in fact, what I gather is that the governance structure that you are hoping to put in cannot be implemented under the current city charter, that you have to go to the texas legislature, which traditionally is actually pretty eager to overrun austin's democratic process, and ask them to pass a bill that will allow you to implement the austin energy governance structure that you want to implement. I listened very carefully to the dialogue with smitty, and that was wonderful and enlightening and one of the things I took away from that is that you actually at that point don't know the standards for conflict of interests that will be a applied to this board. You actually haven't pinpointed the ethical standards that would apply to the board a, and I think the thing that's really scary is we don't have tonight a clear, line in the sand between what is the decisions that will be made by the board and what are the decisions that will be retained by council and that is really sort of what it's all about in terms of how are we balancing community interests and the democratic process with professional guidance for the utility. That's the question. My understanding is that we are here tonight and we have been here over and over again because there was a back room deal made with ccare for an independent board adds part of the rate process. I understand back room deals. Sometimes they advance the community's interests and they are important, but the key thing about this process is that that back room deal is balanced by this front room. By this place where you can hear our voices, where you are required to listen to our voices in a democratic process. And that

-- that's really what I think you are hearing over and over again, is to not take governance of our single most important asset out of the democratic process. I ask you to vote no on both of the issues tonight. Thank you.

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