
Residents' Membership

Richmond Road Residents’ association covers Richmond Road, Wentworth Road, Nursery Walk and Seaby’s yard. if you wish to join us, the subscription is only £2 per adult per year. We welcome all those living locally including those who might be staying only a short time amongst our community.

If you are not yet a member or would like to renew your subscription(s) - which are now due for the coming year - please put money in an envelope with your name, house number and an email address, and deliver to Sarah at number 74. For those new members who have joined since March, your subscription will cover the coming year (2020/2021). For any wishing to pay electronically, our Co-op Bank account details are:

Richmond Road Residents' Association

Sort Code: 08-92-99

Account No: 65356812

Please put your house (eg 74 Richmond Road or 10 Nursery Walk) as reference. And please email me to tell me that that’s what you have done so that I can tick you off!