
2024 Book List

OBOB Facebook Group

Additional practice questions, strategizing tips, and more!

Note to Caregivers

Rules and More


Once you know who is on your team, it is up to those kids to communicate together with teammates to figure out how you want to prepare for Battle of the Books.

Each team has a spokesperson for each battle. That person can be the spokesperson for all of the battles OR a different person can be spokesperson for each battle. Each team gets to decide, depending on how many teammates want to be spokesperson. Decide early on if you want to have just one spokesperson, or if you are going to rotate. Don’t decide right before the battle, be sure to have decided as a team early on.

Some teams have 5 kids. Only 4 kids can battle at a time on a team. If your team has 5 kids, then one of you will be the alternate and must sit in the audience and watch during a battle. The alternate must be a different kid every time, so that everyone gets a chance to participate. You cannot have a “designated alternate.”

What happens if some of your teammates are absent during a battle? You battle with the teammate who are there. We can't postpone battles because people are missing.


What’s the best way to get ready for Battle of the Books? Read! That’s the best thing to do. Some teams like to divide up the books, to make sure that someone from the team has read the entire book list. That is up to each team.

The teams who typically do the best have read all of the books. But there is no rule about reading all of the books. It’s important that teammates communicate with each other about reading the OBOB books. If you are having trouble finding a book or finishing a book, then tell your team and see if someone else can read that book.

What happens if your team doesn’t read all of the books? If you get asked a question about that book in a battle, you’ll probably miss the question. That’s OK, remember the success in OBOB is in reading and being good teammates.

There are unofficial OBOB practice questions available from Cedar Mill & Bethany Community Library and Lake Oswego Public Library, as well as parent/student created questions available on Quizlet and Kahoot.

It can be helpful to practice with these questions to get a feel for how questions are phrased and how to answer. And if it is your first time in OBOB, they might give you an idea of the kinds of things to look for in reading.


In competitions, we can sometimes lose focus on why we are here. We are here to celebrate reading, celebrate our teammates and the process of getting to the battles. Not on the outcome of our battles. 

Caregivers, please help your kids to focus less on competition and more on reading and good sportsmanship.

If you have read a book that you otherwise would not have read, that is a success!

A great thing about OBOB is that you get a chance to try out different kinds of books than you might normally choose for yourself. The OBOB book list has biography, fantasy, adventure, historical fiction... genres that you might not have tried if it weren’t for OBOB!

Everyone wins if they…

Encourage Teamwork

What makes a successful teammate?