Richard's Discovered Photography 

How I discovered I had a talent for photography

Here's my story on my journey to becoming a professional photographer and making it my career.

Growing up in San Antonio as a youngster I always had a camera in my hand. It was one of the little Kodak instamatic things. Yes, I'm that old!  Anyway, everywhere I went I would take my camera with me. My parents would visit with friends and out came my camera taking photos of just about anything going on. My father would get annoyed because he knew he would have to take my rolls of film for developing and yes, spend money he didn't have.  I was a good kid and learning photography was keeping me out of trouble. 

The years passed and I was still taking a lot of photos. I was using a new Polaroid camera which was really expensive at the time. dad still bought film for me since it was keeping me happy being his little photographer. I didn't have any other hobbies at the time. My friends thought I was a little nuts but that was me and I was really passionate about it. Eventually I started to take pictures of other things besides people. I would look for birds, flowers and other landscape around my house. There was plenty to capture and since I was with a wild imagination I never ran out of things to photograph. Connect to us here

"It takes an open-minded imagination to capture the unexpected"  

Reviews of Richard's Photography Service San Antonio
Photo of a hawk in a tree
poppy flower photography Castroville Texas
Portfolio Headshots

Losing Focus on My Photography Hobby

As time went on I was in middle school. The pressures of life at school, bullies being bullies, parents on my case, I started to lose focus on my camera hobby and got lost in the every day shuffle. My hobby was put on the back burner. My main focus was now on everyday life.  My camera was now a thing a of the past.  There were many obstacles in my way and had to focus on getting through the day without getting into trouble at home or school. I started to think I would never be a photographer and my cool photography hobby was fading into the sunset. I no longer had my supply of film, my camera was gather dust and I was starting to withdraw from inside. I was starting to shy away from people, friends and social events.

Photography of two children sisters San Antonio Tx
graduation picture in cap and gown
graduation portrait on location San Antonio Tx park

See our headshot photography on YouTube . We have several videos on our YouTube channel.

Indoor high school senior portrait with blue background san antonio