Teaching experience

  1. Academic year 2012-2013. Teaching assistant for the course of the master degree in Mathematics “Fondamenti di Analisi superiore” (Measure Theory and Functional Analysis), held by Prof. Massimiliano Berti at the University FEDERICO II of Naples (56 hours of exercise classes).
  2. February-June 2015. Course: “Introduction to KAM (Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser) Theory” for the master degree in Mathematics at the University of Zürich (28 hours).
  3. September—December 2015. Organizer of the students seminar for the “Topics in Nonlinear Analysis” for the Master degree in Mathematics at the University of Zürich.
  4. September-December 2016. Teaching assistant for the course of master degree in Mathematics “Functional Analysis” at the University of Zürich, held by Prof. Thomas Kappeler (28 hours of exercise classes).
  5. February-June 2017. Teaching assistant for the course of bachelor degree in Chemistry, “Analysis for Chemistry”, at the University of Zürich, held by Prof. Thomas Kappeler (28 hours of exercise classes).
  6. September 2017- January 2017. Teaching assistant for the course of master degree in mathematics “Microlocal Analysis”, at the University of Zürich, held by Prof. Thomas Kappeler (28 hours of exercise classes).
  7. February-June 2018. Organizer for the “Dynamical Systems seminar” for the students of the Master degree in Mathematics at the University of Zürich.
  8. September 2018 -January 2019. Teaching assistant for the course “Analytical Mechanics” for the Bachelor degree in Physics at the University of Milan, held by Prof. Dario Bambusi (20 hours of exercise classes).
  9. September 2018 -January 2019. Teaching assistant for the course “Mathematical Physics 2” (Linear Theory of PDEs) for the Bachelor degree in Mathematics at the University of Milan, held by Prof. Dario Bambusi (22 hours of exercise classes).
  10. September 2018 -January 2019. Teaching assistant for the course of “Matematica del continuo” (Calculus in one variable) for the Bachelor degree in Computer Science at the University of Milan, held by Prof. Livio Pizzocchero (24 hours of exercise classes).