
Photo by Andrea Leyva at the Second World Logic Day, Puebla, Mexico.

Hi! My name is {Ricardo Arturo} {Nicolás-Francisco}. I am a Ph.D. student at UMK's Doctoral School of Humanities, Theology and Art in the humanities in the discipline of Philosophy, and at UNAM's Graduate Program in Philosophy of Science. I work under the supervision of Marek Nasieniewski and Luis Estrada-González  at UMK, and under the supervision of Luis Estrada-González at UNAM.

My research interests focus mainly on the formal aspects of logics, particularly on paraconsistent logic (especially discussive logic), relevance logic, and connexive logic. I am also interested in the philosophy of logic, especially in debates about the meaning of logical connectives, the nature of negation, and nihilism-pluralism-monism about logical consequence. 

Click here for my CV.

If you want to contact me, write me at gyl[dot]ric[at]gmail[dot]com