The Hopeful Figures

The Hopeful Figures are the poses that Marceau created with hope in mind.

The figures are yellow, a common color that emphasizes happiness, optimism, enlightenment, and hope. These figures have different levels of hope, reflected here by their saturation. The more saturated the yellow, the more intense the hopefulness present. Although these figures are ranked in this way, the least saturated yellow does not lack emotional storytelling, it simply tells a different side of the emotion at a different level. Explore these human shapes with hope in mind.


The lightest and least intense representation of hope in The Hopeful Figures. In human form, the hands of this figure has open hands, lifelines facing outwards to where they are looking. The head is parallel with the horizon, possibly tilt slightly to the side like a begging puppy dog. Your arms are down, unable and unwilling to fight, completely open and ready to accept what is coming for you. Perhaps this is an apology, perhaps there is a chance for forgiveness, perhaps this is a beg for mercy. How could someone so unbarred be a threat at all? Often considered the most vulnerable Convention of Character, HUMILITY is a humbling reminder that we are fragile.


In human form, this figure has open hands, potentially still resembling a claw, potentially reaching up to touch something unseen. The head is above the horizon line, pointing slightly upwards and away. This pose is often also titled 'LONGING" even if the pose remains unchanged. The figure stands similar to DISDAIN, although half-baked and dreary, reflecting the distant dreams that may or may not be reached. The only thing stopping DREAMING from reaching those dreams is it's stationary position. How can you achieve any dream while remaining stagnant? Often considered one of the most personal Conventions of Character, DREAMING is a wish that may come true.


In human form, the hands lay gently across the chest, one on top of the other, holding themselves gingerly and calmly. The head is parallel to the horizon line, if slightly tilted like in HUMILITY. This pose is still, but breathing, out-of-breath but calming, longing for and getting what you want. It is seeing your goals getting closer, it is progress, it is strength. The complexities of the way the emotion makes you want to move accompanied with the stillness of this pose emphasize restraint and patience. This is not lust. Often considered the most heartwarming Convention of Character, LOVE is a happy reminder of the things we live everyday for.


The darkest and most intense representation of hope in The Hopeful Figures. In human form, the hands are spread open, as if tossing flower petals out to everyone around you, spreading happiness wherever and whenever possible. This figure shares an uncomfortable amount of similarities with DESPAIR (FOREWORDS), although the subtleties in the body language differentiate them immensely, mainly the wider "skipping" stance this pose possesses, one foot foreword in anticipation. This is solely and purely JOY, nothing else added in, and because of that it is considered rather blatant. Not much can go wrong with an attitude like this form has. Often considered the most fun and easiest Convention of Character, JOY is a break from what has been holding you down, freedom at last!