Ridgewood High School Sexuality and Gender Association

About SAGA

SAGA is a club in Ridgewood High School, New Jersey, created with the intention of supporting the LGBTQ+ community and providing a safe place for students to hang out and discuss prevalent issues freely.

Every year, SAGA puts together a flag and bracelet sale during the month of June in order to raise money for the Pride Center of New Jersey. Determined to continue on with this tradition even through this pandemic, this year SAGA members have put together an online sale. All proceeds will go to Pride Center of New Jersey and The Trevor Project.

About the Organizations

Pride Center of New Jersey

The Pride Center of New Jersey is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization located in Highland Park, NJ. Their mission is to provide a safe and welcoming place for all LGBTQ+ individuals to find support, educational tools, social opportunities, and more. Supporting the Center allows them to keep their doors open and continue improving the lives of LGBTQ+ individuals in New Jersey. Visit their website here for additional information.

The Trevor Project

The Trevor Project is a non-profit organization dedicated to the prevention of suicide among LGBTQ+ youth. Through their 24-hour crisis hotline and their Resource Center available online, The Trevor Project has worked to support those of our community in need. Donations here will go to fueling their crisis services, especially important during lockdown which can greatly impact mental health. Visit their website here.

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