Tom - I made a schoolboy error initially as I didn't watch the byte size and instead I copied and pasted from the "CMG" set up to the subsequent entry. This was two different text sizes between the two files, though, and I lost the VBA project just as Stewbob warned.

The truth is that the code files for most macro-enabled Office documents are not encrypted and the password only prevents opening the project with Office programs.This means that, as other answers suggested, you can usually use an Office alternative to access and edit the file.

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SOS: I upgraded my computer to a faster one.

- I still clearly hear the crackling on the test project you sent me

- I can't hear any crackle using the patch "Chapel MS" (which is a very nice patch BTW). I tried playing 5-6 notes chords, from my MIDI keyboard, from a sequencer ; I tried to play/stop the sequencer... I can't have crackling at all. I'm using Ableton Live, VC of course, with the USB audio outputs.

I think it's an interesting difference, because "Chapel MS" is a lot more complicated patch than "GENTLE" (the one in the test project you sent me). 

In fact, if I take your sample project, and I replace your "GENTLE" patch by "Chapel MS", I don't hear any crackling! 

What a pity I did not test "Chapel MS" on my previous computer!

from what we can see, the crackling is caused by a very specific combination of parameters within both patches (eventually among others). the computer/USB/VC configuration has nothing to do with it.

best, marc

This sounds great and all, however, for me, I only ever get crackles in VC. Same patches that crackle there are totally fine in standalone, in fact, I don't think I have ever heard crackles in standalone mode. VC is a whole other nightmare however.

Ace17: That's really interesting about the "Chapel" patch because if I'm not mistaken, you are also using a TI1 desktop. While I'm sure you were on top of it, it is worth mentioning that it can be harder to hear the crackling with heavy effects and the filter(s) open.

I will get you the names of a few tomorrow as I have 3 patches in one project which all crackle in VC but not in standalone. One is a hand made sub patch, the others are slightly tweaked factory default patches.

I've also experienced crackles happening before the effects chain. I'm using full bars of 8th note patterns from Farfisa running just about constantly in a track I'm currently working on, I've added some delay to it & towards the end the track Farfisa let off a couple of crackles which then bounced around the stereo field before dying off.

I've just located chapel, its Rom b17 and played some chords. No problem. I played some cords with both hands. Hello Crackles. I turned down the master volume. Good bye Crackles. I believe the crackles you are hearing in stand alone mode arn't the crackles I'm used to struggerling with. The crackles I get from seriously overloading VC. These/your crackles I believe to be digital distortion. I noticed some time ago that I always get these out my left speaker (VC & SA) on some loud patches when at full out put volume. Turning down the volume removed them. Some patches have me setting my master at no more than half way, 12 o'clock.

I find you can bring the crackles out more by playing with the cutoff of the filters while the patch is playing back, but all the above crackle for me, many others as well, however all in Virus Control only and not in standalone.

Here are some additional patches that showed some crackling, taken from the first bank of the "pad" category: Lonely MS, Aerosol J, Alpad1 BB, ArcScan RD, Astr@, BP Pad XM, BPF+2P! @, BeautySyn@, BellTineRD, BluePl@ne2, Cabinet MS, Chimera RD, Choir 4 BC

It is worth noting that most of these pads employ unison and that the 2 that don't are still resource intensive (as indicated by the resource meter). It is also worth noting that on some of the patches the crackling only appeared during the first loop cycle (I made a 4 bar midi loop in Live).

I was understanding that the complaint here was over light patches even in stand alone mode causing crackless... The patches that have been brought to my attention by posts here I can get to crackle just like the complainent states. The fix for this, it worked for me, turn down the master volume. I then crank the volume on my mixer.

There is no 1 patch that makes my virus crackle when I turn down the master pot. I have a TI 1 latest beta. Other crackless I do get are from when I seriously overload my TI with patches and automation. I say serious after realising the virus can't realy handle it's own power to well. When I first discovered MR Crackles, I believed it to be my virus but infact it was my Old Pentium 4 3.0 ghz been maxed out by vst's. Just looking at my CPU meter shows me that. Back then I didn't know much.

I've just finished building a new pc, Phenom II quadcore 3.4. It's took me 2 weeks to fine tune, getting the mother board to run the ram at 1600 (wasn't default on the board) and raiding etc. I was getting crackless from my virus even if only used as a sound card running other vst's but no crackless when using the VC plugin. These where more like very slight tiny pops than crackles. It turned out to be the usb 3 controllers. I've solved the problem by using port number 5 (what i've named it). It's the only external port that shares itself with 2 internal ports and nothing else. Handy because I can just leave these internal ports unconnected, not using the daft rear pannel expansion thing. The board has 12 ports in total 4 internal, 8 external, divided in device manager, 3 connections on each 4 hubs then 6 connections on each 2 hubs when enhanced, plus 2 extra usb 3 ports. Heres the crazy thing, they are actualy only normal ports until you use a 3.0 device. You'd think the 2 labelled 3.0 usb ports on the back would be independent (that's why I used it for the virus at first, knowing I'd never use a USB 3.0 device). But, they share as a usb connection on 2 of the seperate 3x4 hubs until the Nec host is activated. I persume by plugging in a 3.0 device. The board only has 12 connections for the 14 available so the 3.0 usb ports, when 3.0 is activated go through the Nec chip pci express bus. When not 3.0 they act as a standard usb port and connect to the southbridge.

I've literally just learned all this so I could be very wrong, lol. But, I have no crackles under light testing, yet to do some serious damage. Oh! and I can max sylenth out to 512 note counts, thats all 4 osc set to 8 voices, 16 notes poly with both a & b release set to full, playing chords. Then duplicate the track 16 times before drop outs. I couldn't do this with 1 instance of sylenth with my old PC. No dropping the latency to cheat either.

I've used MS Project 2016 previously but haven't used it in a while. I'm having great difficulty with the intricacies of setting up a project without numerous issues (e.g. I have a 'duration' column in days, but when I change the start date or finish date in one place - it messes up the days in a different column and throws in crazy numbers). I figured out the issue with the days by double clicking on each activity, then going to 'advanced' tab and setting the 'task type' to 'fixed units' (it was set to 'fixed work' and this change seems to have fixed the issue).

The problem i'm trying to figure out now is in tracking progress as the project progresses, and then have a gantt chart show me the progress upto today and remaining work. I'd also like to see if the project is behind schedule and by how much. I tried various ways (adding additional columns like baseline start date/baseline finish date, actual start/actual finish) but nothing seems to work. I did set the baseline for the entire project just as an fyi. Even with all these - project is proving to be a monster to tame by messing up one field if i change another and so on. Can someone point me in the right direction? TIA

I'm hearing consistent popping and crackling (sounds like bacon frying in another room) while mixing with sample buffer settings of 64 to 1024 samples on my Focusrite Scarlett 18i8. I updated to the latest 1.10b3 version of the driver which drastically improved performance but not enough to eliminate the popping and clicking.

Pretty much until the end of time, you will be alternating your ASIO Buffer Size values: small value when recording tracks, huge value when mixing. It is simply the nature of the requirements of the more heavy duty plugins, added and used during mixing, that you need to do this, for all but the simplest projects.

Thanks folks. Looks like we have consensus. I do that too to reduce the popping and crackling; but I don't get dropouts even at 64 samples. Unfortunately the largest ASIO buffer size offered by Focusrite Scarlett 18i8 with it's new driver is 1024 and I still hear pops and clicks at 1024. be457b7860

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