Audition Process


Thank you to the Drama Club members who were part of our fall club. I hope that you learned many new skills to use in future auditions!

2nd Semester Auditions:

Everyone MUST audition, as we are putting together a spring play.

*Rehearsals will be on Fridays after school until 5pm beginning on Friday, Feb. 12th!

  1. If you cannot commit to Fridays after school, please do not audition. Rehearsals are mandatory not optional! Towards the middle of April, rehearsals will increase to 2-3 times a week depending on what we need.

  2. If you are unable to have a ride home at 5pm on rehearsal days, please do not audition.

*Audition Requirements: *Due no later than Friday, January 22nd!*

  1. Flipgrid Video: (Please include your name, and grade level.)

*Pick ONE monologue for your audition video.

  1. Interest Form

*New Drama Club members will be posted by Friday, January 29th!

Please check the "Drama Club Members 20-21" tab at the top on Jan. 29th!