
How to Get Rid of Rhinoplasty Pain

Rhinoplasty is a popular cosmetic treatment that is also one of the most painful. You can expect a significant amount of edema and bruising after your treatment. Even though these side effects are only transitory, they can be highly distressing and difficult to handle during the recovery process; nevertheless, some of these strategies may help.

It's on ice

Use an ice pack or a cold press to ease some of the discomfort from any injury or treatment that creates edema. Wrapping the pack around your face will make it uncomfortable and worsen the situation, so wrap it in a towel or sweatshirt first.

It Should Be Elevated

Maintaining an elevated head encourages blood flow to the face, which reduces swelling. Simply pile pillows in your bed or curl up in your favorite recliner. Just keep your head between 40 and 50 degrees at all times.

Hot Water Should Be Avoided

We all know that a relaxing bath or hot shower is one of the finest ways to relieve pain and suffering. Unfortunately, when it comes to rhinoplasty Santa Barbara healing, this is a bad choice because the heat will exacerbate the edema.

Reduce the Salt

Excess salt promotes bloating, which might exacerbate your side effects due to water retention. During the recuperation period, try to keep your sodium consumption to less than 1000 mg. You can gradually increase the amount of salt in your diet as the edema subsides.


Your surgeon will almost certainly prescribe some sort of medication to aid in your rehabilitation and pain reduction. If you don't want to use excessive doses of prescription medications, over-the-counter pain relievers like acetaminophen and ibuprofen can be used in the suggested quantity. There are also a variety of plants and herbs that are known for their anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties if you prefer to take the natural approach.

It's splinted

You'll be in full bandages for nearly a week after your rhinoplasty surgery treatment. After that, your doctor will probably tell you to wear a nose splint or tape for a certain period of time. It's tempting to scrape the splint too soon if you're feeling more like yourself again. It's critical, though, that you wear your splint for the full amount of time that your surgeon recommends—and possibly even longer if you're still experiencing unpleasant side effects!

Hold your breath.

Relaxation is the most vital aspect of any recuperation process, as is limiting movements and activities to the bare minimum. It's vital to take at least 4-5 weeks off from activities like sports, heavy lifting, and running to ensure that your nose recovers properly. Light exercises, on the other hand, can hasten the healing process by increasing blood flow and circulation. As long as you don't have to invert your head, stick to leisurely walking and easy stretching.

Any surgical procedure's recuperation period is never enjoyable, but keep in mind that it is not permanent! Keep an optimistic attitude and be patient, and you'll be back to normal in no time.