Rhinoplasty in North Korea: An In-Depth Look

Rhinoplasty in North Korea

Rhinoplasty, commonly known as a “nose job”, is a popular plastic surgery procedure worldwide, including in North Korea. This article will provide an in-depth overview of rhinoplasty trends, costs, safety, and more specifically within North Korea. We’ll contrast the North Korean rhinoplasty culture to global hotspots and examine cultural motivations behind Koreans' high demand for nose jobs. Through real-life stories, FAQs, and an examination of techniques, risks, and results, readers will gain insights into the fascinating world of rhinoplasty in North Korea.

Overview of Rhinoplasty in North Korea

Unlike neighboring South Korea, plastic surgery is very restricted in North Korea. Citizens need permission from their work unit and party secretary to get procedures. Rhinoplasty is an exception, likely because the North Korean government thinks it makes people look more European.

North Korea has a booming black market for rhinoplasty. Wealthy North Koreans and the elite get nose jobs at underground plastic surgery clinics to look more beautiful and upper class. The Kim family is believed to have had multiple procedures.

While rhinoplasty is illegal in everyday hospitals, the black market clinics use advanced surgical techniques like silicone implants. Quality varies greatly between underground surgeons. Infection and malpractice are risks.

Cost and Affordability of Rhinoplasty in North Korea

Safety and Quality Concerns for Rhinoplasty in North Korea

Getting a black market nose job in North Korea carries risks:

Despite the risks, rhinoplasty patients feel pressure to undergo surgery for social status. Proper safety precautions are rare due to secrecy.

Popularity and Motivations for Rhinoplasty in North Korea

Global Contrasts — Rhinoplasty Hotspots Worldwide

Rhinoplasty in Korea Q&A

Cost and Affordability

In North Korea, rhinoplasty costs $1500-2000 USD through black market surgeons. In South Korea, the average cost is $2000-5000 in certified clinics. Only wealthy North Koreans can afford the high price.

Safety and Quality

Rhinoplasty is risky in North Korea since it's done illegally in unregulated clinics. Poor conditions and untrained surgeons put patients at risk of complications. In South Korea, quality is higher with certified surgeons in sanitary hospital settings.

Popularity and Trends

Rhinoplasty is hugely popular among North Korean elites as a status symbol. Trends are influenced by the Kim family and state media promotion of Western/Caucasian features. In South Korea, around 30% of women in their 20s have had nose jobs.

Success Rate

The success rate in North Korea is unknown given the lack of transparency. With unqualified surgeons, there is a higher risk of botched procedures versus certified surgeons in South Korea with >90% satisfaction rates.

Common Reasons for Rhinoplasty in North Korea

The most common motivations North Koreans cite for getting nose jobs include:

The Role of Cultural Influences in Korean Rhinoplasty

Korea’s high demand for rhinoplasty is fueled by:

Plastic surgery is often seen as a “coming of age” ritual and gateway to success in hyper-competitive Korean society.

Rhinoplasty Techniques in North Korea

Celebrity Influence on Rhinoplasty Trends in Korea

Key Takeaways


Rhinoplasty culture in North Korea provides a fascinating look into beauty ideals, status symbols, and the influence of media and celebrity in a closed country. While rhinoplasty can provide benefits like improved self-esteem in some cases, the risks and restrictive beauty standards in North Korea raise concerns. Understanding the complex social factors driving plastic surgery trends can help us critically examine our own notions of beauty and success worldwide.


What is the average cost of rhinoplasty in North Korea?

Rhinoplasty in North Korea costs approximately $1500-2000 USD through black market plastic surgeons, since it is illegal in regulated hospitals. Only elite North Koreans can afford these high costs.

Is rhinoplasty safe in North Korea?

No, rhinoplasty procedures done illegally in North Korea often take place in unsanitary conditions with unqualified surgeons, increasing the risks of complications and botched results. There is no regulation or oversight.

Why is rhinoplasty so popular in North Korea?

Having a nose job is seen as a status symbol among wealthy North Koreans. Motivations include looking more Caucasian, emulating the Kim family's appearance, and boosting social standing.

How do cultural pressures impact plastic surgery trends?

Korea has long placed social value on Westernized beauty ideals like pale skin and narrow noses. Plastic surgery can be seen as a way to attain success by conforming to strict appearance norms.

What rhinoplasty techniques are used in North Korea?

Most surgeons use outdated silicone implantation methods to augment and refine the nose due to lack of medical resources. Precise osteotomies are limited without advanced surgical tools.

How does celebrity culture impact rhinoplasty demand?

North Korean state media promotes the Kim family's appearance as aspirational. K-pop stars help popularize slim, narrowed noses, with fans seeking to emulate their "natural" looks through surgery.