

This project, "RGonHEEEI" (Research Group on the History of Electrical and Electronic Equipment Industry), on which Prof. Akitake Taniguchi is the principal investigator and Shigehiro Nishimura is the vice principal investigator, aims to enlarge international comparative studies on electrical enterprises by focusing on Japanese, American, and German companies.

The project has been promoted as an initial project of the Center for Global Comparative Business History (GCBH), one of the designated research projects units at Meiji University, since April 2024.

We welcome foreign researchers who study electrical / electronics enterprises and industries in any aspect, regardless of language. If you have an interest in this field and these firms and industries, please contact to us.

目的:RGonHEEEI (リゴンヒィーーー!) は、総合電機企業を中心にして電気機械産業発展の国際比較研究を行っている研究会です。


進捗:研究成果については科研費データベースをご覧ください:第3期 here、第2期 here、第1期 here
