RFK Jr.’s Conservative Views


Michael T. Griffith

May 2024


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is running for President as an independent. As a center-right independent, I believe he is a credible alternative to Trump or Biden. Many people do not know that RFK Jr. holds conservative views on numerous issues. Yes, he also holds liberal views on many issues, but he holds conservative views on a surprising number of issues. For example:


-- He opposes federal funding for sanctuary cities.

-- He supports stronger border security, including the deployment of military units to the border, and has criticized Biden's open-borders policy.

-- He supports requiring immigrants to pass a citizenship test before they can become citizens.

-- He supports banning immigration from high-risk countries until the government improves its ability to screen out potential terrorists.

-- He opposes allowing illegal immigrants to vote.

-- He opposes defunding the police and argues that police funding should be increased in high-crime areas.

-- He opposes allowing victims of gun violence to sue gun manufacturers.

-- He opposes efforts to reduce our support for Israel and argues that we should be giving Israel more aid and support.

-- He supports requiring a photo ID to vote.

-- He opposes lowering the minimum age for voting.

-- He supports raising tariffs on China.

-- He believes labor unions should have their powers limited, including the power of collective bargaining in some cases.

-- He opposes Common Core education standards.

-- He supports charter schools.

-- He opposes the use of mail-in ballots except for voters who are physically incapable of making it to a polling location.

-- He believes there should be more restrictions on receiving welfare benefits, including the requiring of drug testing to receive benefits.

-- He opposes adding further restrictions on the current process of buying a gun.

-- He opposes a mandatory federal buy-back of assault weapons.

-- He opposes allowing minors to receive gender-transition treatment or surgery.

-- He opposes allowing biological males to compete in female sports.

-- He opposed the banning of religious gatherings during the pandemic.

-- He supports term limits for members of Congress.

-- He opposes forcing religious organizations to include free birth control in their employee health insurance plans.

-- He opposes removing references to God from our currently, federal buildings, and national monuments.

You can look up all of his known positions here: LINK. This page lists all of his known positions on the issues listed on the page, based on statements he has made and/or on statements made by his supporters. To see his positions on a certain issue, click on the tab for that issue.


Here is RFK Jr.’s official campaign website: https://www.kennedy24.com/


Here is his Our Policies page on the website: https://www.kennedy24.com/policies

Here is another page on his views on the website: Frequently Asked Questions | Kennedy24 

Here is a great introductory video on RFK Jr.'s compelling life story and the efforts to smear him as "anti-vax," etc.: Who Is Bobby Kennedy? 

Here is a revealing 2-hour interview with Nicole Shanahan, Bobby's running mate, in which she voices strong support for sealing the border, deporting illegal immigrants (as humanely as possible), encouraging women who are considering abortion to choose life instead, supporting Israel, and condemning Hamas's attack on Israel, among other views: 5325 (youtube.com)