Reza Rawassizadeh


Address: 1010 Commonwealth Avenue,  3rd Floor, 320, Boston, MA 

Telephone: 617-3535296 

[Google Scholar] [DBLP] [PubMed]

About me:

I am an associate professor in the Department of Computer Science at Metropolitan College, Boston University. My research focuses is threefold, one aspect focuses on building low power, or small machine learning algorithms that can run on small devices, and utilizing small datasets (even neural networks). The next aspect of my research is dedicated to building health artifacts, including algorithms and applications to assist users in improving their physical health. My third research focus is on digital health, including public health studies and medical data (image, text) analysis. 

Since 2017 I am writing a book a machine learning and AI and tries to cover almost any possible algorithm or concept that it is useful. Still, it is ongoing, but I shared some chapters online here: Any feedback is very welcome :)  

Research Interests: On-device machine learning, Ubiquitous Computing, Digital Health, Wearable Technologies, Assistive Robots

Some public press and media coverages of my work

Selected Recent Publications

Please check my Google Scholar to see a full list of my works.