
Tirado, Reyes et al. 2018. Less Is More: Greenpeace vision of the meat and dairy system towards 2050 [PDF]. En ESPAÑOL aquí: Menos es más. Reducir la producción y consumo de carne para una vida y planeta más saludable .

Tirado, Reyes, Thompson, K.F., Miller, K.A. & Johnston, P. 2018 Less is more: Reducing meat and dairy for a healthier life and planet - Scientific background on the Greenpeace vision of the meat and dairy system towards 2050. Greenpeace Research Laboratories Technical Report (Review) 03-2018

Tirado, Reyes, Sandra Laso, Edith Martínez y Aleira Lara. 2017. Navegando hacia la agricultura ecológica. Informe de la visita de Greenpeace a Cuba con campesinos mayas y representantes del gobierno de Yucatán. Enero 2017. In English here.

Arellano-Aguilar, O., García Mendoza, E., Thompson, K. & Tirado, R. 2016. Zonas Muertas (Dead Zones): Los ecosistemas del mundo amenazados por la contaminación con fertilizantes (Spanish only). Publ. Greenpeace Mexico, April 2016: 59 pp.

Tirado, R., Bråthen, K. A. & Pugnaire, F. I. 2015. Mutual positive effects between shrubs in an arid ecosystem. Scientific Reports, 5: 14710.

Tirado, Reyes. 2015. Ecological Farming: The seven principles of a food system that has people at its heart. Baker, M., Kramb, D. [Eds]. Publ. Greenpeace International: 68 pp.

Thompson K, Kruszewska I, Tirado R. 2015. Building environmental resilience: A snapshot of farmers adapting to climate change in Kenya. Greenpeace Research Laboratories Technical Report: 04-2015.

Thompson, K., Chidawanyika, F., Kruszewska, I. & Tirado, R. 2015. Building resilience in East African agriculture in response to climate change.Greenpeace Research Laboratories Technical Report 05-2015: 30 pp.

Allsopp, M., Tirado, R., Johnston, P., Santillo, D. & Lemmens, P. 2014. Plan Bee – Living without pesticides: Moving towards ecological farming. Erwood, S. [Ed.], Publ. Greenpeace International, May 2014: 80 pp.

Tirado, R., Simon, G. & Johnston, P. 2013. Bees in decline: A review of factors that put pollinators and agriculture in Europe at risk. Greenpeace Research Laboratories Technical Report (Review) 01-2013, publ. Greenpeace International: 48 pp.

Bellarby, J., Tirado, R., Leip, A., Weiss, F., Lesschen, J.-P. & Smith, P. 2013. Livestock greenhouse gas emissions and mitigation potential in Europe. Global Change Biology, 19: pp. 3–18, DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2012.02786.x

Tirado, R. & Krishnan, V. 2013. Phosphorus and food security from a Greenpeace and Indian Smallholder Farmer View. In R. W. Scholz, A. H. Roy, F. S. Brand, D. T. Hellums & A. E. Ulrich (Eds.), Sustainable phosphorus management: a global transdisciplinary roadmap (pp. 295-299). Berlin: Springer.

Tirado, R., Johnston, P., Gopikrishna, S.R. & Vaaruni, E. (2012) Fertilizer, fuel and food: win-win options for Bihar. Greenpeace Research Laboratories Technical Report 05-2012, produced by Greenpeace India Society, October 2012: 30 pp.

Tirado, R. & Kruszewska, I. [Eds] 2012. Ecological Livestock: Options for reducing livestock production and consumption to fit within ecological limits, with a focus on Europe. Greenpeace Research Laboratories Technical Report (Review) 03-2012: 36 pp.

Tirado, R. & Allsopp, M. 2012. Phosphorus in agriculture: Problems and solutions. Greenpeace Research Laboratories Technical Report (Review) 02-2012: 36 pp.

Tirado, R., Gopikrishnah, Krishnan, R. & Smith, P. 2010. Greenhouse gas emissions and mitigation potential from fertiliser manufacture and application in India. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 8: 176-185. pdf

Tirado, R. 2010. Picking Cotton. The choice between organic and genetically-engineered cotton for farmers in South India. Greenpeace Research Laboratories Technical Note 03/2010, June 2010: 22 pp. pdf and photo essay about this research

Tirado, R. & Cotter, J. 2010. Ecological Farming: Drought-Resistant Agriculture. Greenpeace Research Laboratories Technical Note 02/2010, April 2010: 15 pp. pdf

Tirado, R. 2009. Chemical fertilisers in our water. An analysis of nitrates in the groundwater in Punjab. Greenpeace India.

Novotny, V., Wang, X., Englande, A., Bedoya, D., Promakasikorn, L. and Tirado, R. 2009. Comparative assessment of pollution by the use of industrial agricultural fertilizers in four rapidly developing Asian countries.Environment, Development and Sustainability online first DOI 10.1007/s10668-009-9207-2.

Roy, B. C., Chattopadhyay, G. N. and Tirado, R. 2009. Subsidising Food Crisis: Synthetic Fertilisers Lead To Poor Soil And Less Food. Greenpeace India.

Tirado, R. 2009. 5220 Matorrales arborescentes con Ziziphus (*). En: VV.AAAA., Bases ecológicas preliminares para la conservación de los tipos de hábitat de interés comunitario en España. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, y Medio Rural y Marino. 68 p.

Tirado R. 2008. Dead zones: How Agricultural Fertilizers Kill our Rivers, Lakes and Oceans. Greenpeace Research Laboratories Technical Note, July 2008: 8/2008. 25 pp.

Cotter, J. & Tirado R. 2008 Food security and climate change: the answer is biodiversity - a review of scientific publications on climate change adaptation in agriculture. Greenpeace Research Laboratories Technical Note, June 2008: 9/2008. 8 pp.

Tirado, R. & Johnston, P. 2008. Viewpoints: “What are the most important constraints to achieving food security in various parts of Africa?” Natural Resources Forum 32: 163–166.

Tirado, R. & Stabinsky, D. 2008. New Challenges Facing Agriculture Require New Approaches. E-letter response to Editorial by Norman Borlaug 'Feeding a Hungry World' Science 2007; 318: 359.

Tirado, R. 2007. Health concerns associated with nitrates in drinking water. Greenpeace Research Laboratories Technical Note 12/2007.

Tirado, R. 2007. Nitrates in drinking water in the Philippines and Thailand. Greenpeace Research Laboratories Technical Note 11/2007.

Reinhurt, K., J. Gurnee, R. Tirado & Ragan Callaway. 2006. Invasion through quantitative effects: intense shade as a driver of native decline and invasive success. Ecological Applications 16: 1821-1831.

Tirado, R. & Pugnaire, F.I. 2005. Community structure and positive interactions in constraining environments. Oikos 111: 437-444. PDF

Tirado, R. & Pugnaire, F.I. 2003. Shrub spatial aggregation and consequences for reproductive success. Oecologia136: 296-201. PDF

Ain-Lhout, F., M. Zunzunegui, M. C. Díaz Barradas, R. Tirado, A. Clavijo & F. García Novo. 2001. Comparison of proline accumulation in two Mediterranean shrubs subject to natural and experimental water deficit. Plant and Soil 230: 175-183

Díaz Barradas, M. C., M. Zunzunegui, R. Tirado, F. Ain-Lhout, & F. García Novo. 1999. Plant functional types and ecosystem function in Mediterranean shrubland. Journal of Vegetation Science 10, 709-716. PDF

Pugnaire, F.I., C. Armas & R. Tirado 2002. Interacciones entre plantas de alta montaña. Quercus 200:28-32.

Pugnaire, F.I., C. Armas & R. Tirado 2001 Las dehesas de retama: Biodiversidad en ambientes semiáridos. Quercus 176:26-29.

Luque, M.T., R. Tirado, C. Armas & F.I. Pugnaire 2000 Artineras: Ecosistemas singulares en peligro. Quercus 175: 26-30.