Fifth International Workshop on Requirements Engineering for Well-Being, Aging, and Health
June 25, Reykjavik, Iceland, in person!

Thank you to this year's presenters and participants for another inspiring workshop! We look forward to continuing the discussion at REWBAH 2025!


Health-related expenses often represent over 10% of a coun-try’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and this proportion is increasing according to the World Health Organization . Many systems and services that promote health fail to engage people in the long term, and yet requirements engineering research in this area is sparse. Nowadays, when the post COVID-19 pandemic, climate changes, and worldwide human conflicts have massive worldwide impact, influencing our health and well-being, in particular within the elderly population, WBAH is even more relevant than ever.

The REWBAH workshop fosters discussion related to requirements engineering resulting from the need to build software systems that not only support healthcare, but also foster well-being, encourage patients and the population in general to live according to healthy lifestyle recommendations, and ad-dress the specific needs of an aging population. These systems can provide personalized and tailored behavioral change pro-grams for decreasing health risk factors. 

This theme is also in line with the objectives of the American Healthy People 2030 Framework on health promotion and disease prevention, with a vision for “A society in which all people can achieve their full potential for health and well-being across the lifespan. Well-being is part of a more holistic definition of health that, according to the World Health Organization, is “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity’’. 

The workshop will bring together practitioners and researchers from Software and Requirements Engineering, Medicine, Health Sciences, Psychology, and other relevant disciplines. This workshop is open to the public. The workshop goals as well as the workshop multidisciplinary audience are well aligned with the theme of Requirements Engineering (RE) conference 2024, namely “Exploring New Horizons: Expanding the Frontiers of Requirements Engineering”.

Earlier Workshops

Are you curious about the earlier editions of the workshop? Please see: 

Keynote talk: Ehud Menipaz

Dean and Professor
School of Industrial Engineering & Management, Shenkar Engineering.Design.Art

Between AI and Kaizen: The Shibboleth of Innovation

and Creativity in Hospital Emergency Services


Prof. Ehud Menipaz is the founding Dean, School of industrial Engineering & Management (IE&M), Shenkar. He is a former Senior Partner of Ernst & Young International and a Professor Emeritus at Ben Gurion University. During his decades long academic career he has served as a Full Professor of Aeronautical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering & Management, and a Full Professor of Business Administration. He has served as a member of the Economic Forum under the auspices of President Putin, Russia, a member of the International Quality Foundation, USA, a member of the Education Forum under the auspices of the President of Mexico, and the IE&M Committee’s Chairman, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, Government of Canada. He is the author of hundreds of academic works, including books published by Prentice-Hall (USA), Sage Publications (UK), L‘Harmattan (France). Prof. Menipaz is the recipient of the National Lifetime Achievement Award in IE&M on behalf of both academia and industry, 2021, The Global Academic Leader of the Decade Award, WEF, 2017, The Inspiration Day Award, 2021, and the winner of the Technion-Institute of Technology’s HTI Award. 


The issue of improving emergency services of medical facilities has a profound impact on the local, regional, and national health services and eventually on quality of life. Emergency services deal with emergency department (ED) triage, inpatient (ICU) triage, incident and muti casualty triage, military triage, and mass casualty triage. This presentation looks at the various methodologies used to improve the performance of emergency departments, including AI as well as a more traditional approach, such as Kaizen. These methodologies involve measuring and understanding flow variation, identify and reduce flow bottlenecks, eliminating unnecessary tasks, improving the ED layout, improving communication with radiology, laboratory departments and assign staff in an optimal manner. The presentation is based on the results of a recent national meeting of thirty-nine hospitals and HMOs, in which   medical and para medical staff considered ways and means to reduce wasted time, focus on value added activities, redesign discharge process, implement readiness huddles, improve response to surges in patient volume, revise staffing patterns.

Keynote talk: Daniel Amyot

University of Ottawa

Engineering Requirements for Social Housing Through Prototyping*


Daniel Amyot is Professor at the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of the University of Ottawa, and a member of the LIFE Research Institute and of the Institut du Savoir Montfort. At uOttawa, he is Director of the online and multidisciplinary Master’s program in Digital Transformation and Innovation. He received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Ottawa in 2002. His research interests include requirements engineering, process mining, goal and process modeling, regulatory compliance, smart contracts, and healthcare informatics. Daniel led the standardization of the User Requirements Notation at the International Telecommunication Union from 2002 to 2013, as well as the development of the jUCMNav modelling tool. He is also invested in the development of the Symboleo specification language for smart legal contracts. He was general chair of the Requirements Engineering conference in 2015, program co-chair in 2018, and steering committee chair from 2019 to 2021. In 2020, Daniel also co-created with others the International Workshop on Requirements Engineering for Well-Being, Aging, and Health (REWBAH). Daniel is on the editorial boards of SoSyM and the Requirements Engineering Journal. He is a Professional Engineer in Québec, an Information Systems Professional in Canada, and a Senior Member of IEEE.


Housing is a strong social determinant of health and well-being. Yet, in Canada, where there is a growing demand for social housing, many households wait years before being offered an affordable place to live. The recent pandemic, high immigration, and the explosion of housing costs only made things worse. Making informed decisions about what type and quantity of social housing stock would be required to meet the dynamic needs of these households is limited by our ability to access and use various administrative databases from social housing organizations. In this context, this extended abstract gives an overview of ongoing work on the engineering of requirements for an innovative Decisions for Affordable/Social Housing (DASH) system prototype, which is itself aiming to facilitate the elicitation of realistic requirements from many stakeholders in the Canadian social housing ecosystem. Our early results are expected to influence how Requirements Engineering can be successfully applied to the increasingly important domain of social housing.

*Please click here to access the presentation


* Please note a change of program for sessions 3 and 4 below

All times are local Reykjavik times. Presenters are highlighted in red.

Session 1: Welcome to REWBAH 2024 and Keynote


Session 2: Research Papers


Session 3: Vision Papers and Discussion CHANGE IN PROGRAM


Welcome Reception


The goals of this workshop include, but are not limited to:


REWBAH (pronounced roo-bah) is looking for papers in two general categories (in IEEE CS format):

Important: papers submitted to the workshop must follow strictly the formatting instructions imposed by the publisher (LaTeX and Word templates are provided). 

Submissions shall be done via EasyChair (rewbah2024). Each submission will be reviewed by three members of the REWBAH 2024 Program Committee. Preference will be given to submissions that emphasize informed, topic-relevant, and technically sound descriptions of important challenges and problems as opposed to just proposed solutions. 

Accepted papers will be published in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library  as workshop proceedings. All authors of all accepted contributions will be asked to complete an electronic IEEE Copyright form and will receive further instructions for preparing their camera-ready versions from Conference Publishing Services (CPS). Acceptance of a paper implies that one of the authors registers for the workshop to present the submission; failure to do so by the early registration date will result in the paper being withdrawn from the workshop proceedings. IEEE reserves the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the workshop (e.g., by not placing it into the IEEE Xplore Digital Library) if the paper is not presented at the workshop.

Important Dates

Topics of Interest

Organization Committee

Lin Liu

Lin Liu
Program Committee Chair
Tsinghua University (China)

Meira Levy
Organization Co-Chair
Shenkar College of Engineering and Design (Israel)

Lysanne Lessard
Organization Co-Chair
Telfer School of Management (Canada)

Elizabeth Bjarnason
Organization Co-Chair
Software Engineering Research Group

Lund University


2024 Program Committee

Steering Committee

REWBAH is an RE'24 workshop. Join us and participate!

Call for Papers (web version)

Call for Papers (1-page pdf version)
