What is Credit Redemption?

Credit Redemption

Credit Redempton is Reward Redemptions new credit card service

How does Credit Redemption Work???

Credit Redemption signs you up for their Credit Redemption: Redemption Kard. This Redemption Kard gives you points everytime you spend money with the card.

What do those points get me?

With the Credit Redemption: Redemption Kard points you can buy loads of things from our shop website (coming soon!) and have them delivered to your house.

Whos in Charge of my Credit Card?

You are responsible for all purchases and paying off the card, however our bald frend David is the manager of the Credit Redemption division so if you have any customer complaints it'll go strait to him

How do I get one of these cards?

Simply call one of our Reward Redemption Phone numbers and tell the staff "i'd like a Credit Redemption: Redemption Kard"